Gigantic Games 2
Gigantic Games 2.iso
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Text File
2,544 lines
0001 That is an illegal character.
0002 This usage of punctuation has me mystified.
0003 A number here is nonsense to me.
0004 Nothing can follow a quick direction word.
0005 That word is utterly beyond my limited vocabulary.
0006 I was expecting a verb there.
0007 It seems to be empty.
0008 That is a second adverb. I can't understand it.
0009 That is a second verb (to me at least). I'm puzzled.
0010 How can I communicate with a non-sentient object?
0011 If you wish to talk to someone, you must do it yourself.
0012 I'm expecting a comma here.
0013 The word "and" doesn't make sense to me here.
0014 That seems to be trying to be a question, but it doesn't fit the
0014 allowed form.
0015 A letter cannot directly follow a number.
0016 This type of verb cannot be followed by anything.
0017 Your attempt at communication is utterly bizarre!
0018 Two adjectives are never necessary. Try choosing the best one.
0019 No object is allowed here.
0020 Your sentence is not of a form I understand.
0021 I don't know how to use that verb and preposition together the
0021 way you used them.
0022 Multiple objects are not permitted here.
0023 All but what?
0024 I don't understand that object construction.
0025 Your input is too complicated. Please shorten it.
0026 An adjective cannot modify "all".
0027 Something more is necessary after this verb.
0028 I don't understand that sentence.
0029 WORLD. Amiga C Version 1.02 Copyright 1987 J.D. McDonald GOOD LUCK!
0030 Don't you dare go back! After you volunteered to come here (and
0030 get out of latrine duty), you'd die of embarrassment if you
0030 turned back.
0031 As you reach the top of the pass, you encounter a region of
0031 shimmering air similar to that seen above. As you enter it, at
0031 first it seems only to slow your motion a bit. But eventually it
0031 springs back and propels you back into the valley.
0031 You are trapped!
0032 "Down" isn't enough. Specify a compass point.
0033 There's no way to do that without the proper shoes.
0034 It's too small for you to stand on.
0035 That location isn't used yet.
0036 You wandered around in the mossy underbrush and ended up back
0036 where you started.
0037 You are impaled on a sharp rock a few meters above the ground.
0038 You are at the bottom of the chasm, with not a single intact
0038 bone in your body.
0039 There is no fire-starting material around.
0040 I don't need to, thank you.
0041 You wet your pants, you fool!
0042 That really felt good!!
0043 You idiot! You dumb turd!! You have shit in your pants!!!
0044 If you pray enough, your prayers may be answered.
0045 A deafening clap of thunder hits you out of the thin air. A deep
0045 voice intones: "You have wandered helplessly long enough. I will
0045 now return you to life."
0046 Unfortunately, you can't do that while dead.
0047 You have not attained the status necessary for walking on water
0047 It's not clear whether you ever will.
0048 Ridiculous!
0049 Wheeeeeeee!
0050 Trying to figure that out has me climbing the walls.
0051 Running slowly is a rather impossible feat, don't you think?
0052 There's nothing here to swim in!
0053 You're carrying too much. Better get rid of something.
0054 Swimming there is either impossible or dangerous.
0055 After a time you notice that being dead isn't quite
0055 what you had expected. Despite obvious problems
0055 doing certain common things, you can still get about.
0055 Perhaps the situation isn't hopeless.
0056 You seem to have lost your way.
0057 I can't go up or down a compass point!
0058 It's impossible to go that way.
0059 You can't go there.
0060 You can't do that while juggling all that.
0061 You'd get tangled up in seaweed. Better not.
0062 You are carrying:
0063 You are wearing:
0064 You are empty-handed.
0065 No turning back now! Onward!
0066 I can't seem to find it.
0067 You're carrying it.
0068 You're wearing it.
0069 I can't use that word the way you used it.
0070 That's ambiguous.
0071 Huh?
0072 You are carrying too many items already.
0073 I can't find the bag.
0074 There's no water here.
0075 Done.
0076 It's happy where it is. Don't trouble it.
0077 That's not a container.
0078 That container isn't here.
0079 It's too heavy.
0080 It's too quick.
0081 Taken.
0082 Dropped.
0083 You're not wearing it.
0084 You must specify exactly what you wish to wear.
0085 You can't wear that.
0086 Wearing two of these is stupid.
0087 Okay, you are now wearing it.
0088 You will have to take it off first.
0089 You don't have it.
0090 Put it in what?
0091 That container is not readily available.
0092 It's already there.
0093 It won't fit.
0094 I don't understand that.
0095 I don't know how to do that.
0096 There's nothing special about it.
0097 You can't look into that.
0098 There's nothing to read.
0099 Going around with no shoes on is unhealthy. You might
0099 step on some poison bug.
0100 You were warned! There are some really obnoxious
0100 creatures crawling around on this alien world.
0100 You just stepped on one.
0101 Do you really wish to quit?
0102 Please answer the question "Y" or "N".
0103 Do you need general help or a specific hint?
0103 If you need general help, answer yes to the prompt.
0103 If you answer no I will offer hints based on your
0103 present situation.
0104 You are on your own.
0105 Some messages (such as this one) may be too big for the screen.
0105 If so, you may proceed by typing the 'return' key. If you don't
0105 like this feature, it may be disabled by the NOMORE command and
0105 enabled buy MORE.
0105 I will attempt to the best of my ability to follow the commands
0105 you enter. I accept full sentences, but in general short
0105 commands are better than long ones. You can put as many
0105 sentences as you wish on a line if you separate them by periods
0105 or "then". If you try to do something I don't understand, I will
0105 try my best to give a meaningful and helpful reply. If, however,
0105 you put in something grammatically correct, I may not be too
0105 helpful. If you use multiple sentences on a line, I may give my
0105 response far below where you typed the line, in some cases so
0105 far that your command has scrolled off the page. I look at the
0105 first nine (9) letters of a word, and usually you must type the
0105 whole word. However, a single direction N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW,U or
0105 D preceded by an optional adverb is the best way of simple
0105 travel. Location descriptions are given in long form the first
0105 time you visit a place; afterwards shorter forms are used,
0105 unless you enter VERBOSE. VERBOSE is canceled by the BRIEF
0105 command. At any time you may get a long description and a list
0105 of objects visible at a place by typing LOCATE or L. The command
0105 SUPERBRIEF will suppress even more messages. I will give you a
0105 list of what you are carrying if you enter INVENTORY or I.
0105 Some objects must be distinguished by referring to them with
0105 adjectives, such as RED SHIRT or GREEN SHIRT. A noun can be
0105 preceded by its proper adjective, or by none at all. Improper
0105 adjectives, or unnecessary ones, will evoke rude responses.
0105 Sometimes you must refer to an object with a phrase using "OF",
0105 such as in TAKE THE JAR OF JELLY. In this case there can be no
0105 adjective before the second noun.
0105 Particularly useful are commands such as TAKE ALL or DROP ALL,
0105 which can operate on over 25 items at once. You can also say
0105 You will find that particular objects are containers, and thus
0105 are useful for carrying other things around. This is most useful
0105 as you can't carry very many objects in your hands at once.
0105 Certain things can be worn, and usually should be worn. You get
0105 points for getting samples for your expedition, or sometimes for
0105 performing certain actions. For the specimens to count for full
0105 points, you must be carrying or wearing them. There are many
0105 dangers here, so you may die a few times. Not to worry though,
0105 there is a way to resurrect yourself. If you do some things
0105 carefully, you may live longer.
0105 If you wish you may save the present position in the game
0105 by entering SAVE, and you may then restart at this point by
0105 entering RESTORE.
0107 That noun and adjective together mean nothing to me.
0108 All the standing trees around here are so covered in moss that
0108 climbing them would be very dangerous.
0109 Crawling is a slow way to get around... and watch out for nasty
0109 bugs... but okay, if you wish... crawl.
0110 What else does one swim in?
0111 What else does one swim in? Horsepiss?
0112 I don't understand that use of "of".
0113 You aren't close enough.
0114 The camera, having noticed that it isn't out in the open,
0114 refuses to even try to take a picture.
0115 The camera, in a clear soothing voice, says "Don't waste the
0115 taxpayers money on something you already took a picture of."
0116 The camera emits a flash of light, and in a few seconds plops a
0116 picture of the pterodactyls on the ground.
0117 The camera swivels it lens appendage a bit and announces, in a
0117 disgusted voice "You better find something interesting to take
0117 a picture of. If you think am going to take one of YOU, you are
0117 far too vain."
0118 You're already at the end of the trail.
0119 Behind the horsetails is a small cave, the home of the flying
0119 reptiles.
0120 It's too dark to see very well. Try again when there is better
0120 light.
0121 There isn't enough light to read by.
0122 Better not try swimming when it is dark. There might be
0122 nocturnal carnivores in the lake.
0123 Trying to climb in the dark is dangerous. Don't do it.
0124 It is now nighttime. There are many brilliant stars in the sky
0124 so you can still get around.
0125 The red sun has already set, and the blue sun is getting low.
0125 Soon it will be night.
0126 The blue sun has risen over the horizon. It is morning twilight.
0127 As you climb over the edge of the bowl, you lose your footing on
0127 the slippery surface and slide down one side and back up the
0127 other, almost but not quite out. This up-and-down motion
0127 continues a few times until you come to rest at the bottom.
0128 The inhabitants are packed in tight. It doesn't look safe.
0129 It's very dark in there. Although grues have not reached this
0129 planet yet (it's a long way from Cambridge, MA where some
0129 slipshod genetic engineer created them), still you might fall
0129 over something and break your neck.
0130 You find it impossible to walk through the barrier.
0130 As you enter it, It begins to feel like you are walking through
0130 molasses. Every second you stay in it you slow down more. You
0130 are barely able to retreat before you are stopped permanently
0130 inside the barrier.
0131 The sides are too steep and slippery. You are stuck.
0132 The door is closed.
0133 The lowest bar is just above your grasp.
0134 The camera makes a small beep, and after a few moments emits a
0134 photo of some Martians.
0135 The camera says in a bored voice, "I already took a picture of
0135 those things." Nothing else happens.
0136 You caught the lower crosspiece of the tower and climbed on up.
0137 You asked for it!
0138 The lowest horizontal piece is out of your reach and the sides
0138 are too slick.
0139 With all that weight, you can't quite reach the bottom rung
0139 even if you jump with all your might. ( Which is depleted by the
0139 thin air.)
0140 The camera look around with it's sensor head, looks at amazing
0140 creatures nearby, and refuses to take a picture. Being itself
0140 electrical, it appears to be unimpressed with such mundane(?)
0140 creatures.
0141 In the distance you see many moving flashes of light, somewhat
0141 like large fireflies. If you try to approach them, they dart
0141 away.
0142 You are now able to get closer to the flashing lights. It is
0142 clear that they are living creatures - or maybe "creatures"
0142 isn't quite the correct word. They seem to have no material
0142 substance at all - you can, for example see through most of the
0142 space one of them occupies. They are round balls about 30
0142 centimeters across, whose spherical outer shells glow red or
0142 blue. A small white dot glows brightly in the center, and bolts
0142 of lightning shoot out to their outer rim. Although they must be
0142 creatures of pure energy, it is clear that they can move matter,
0142 as they usually travel on the ground, leaving trails behind.
0142 Sometimes they can jump up a meter or two off the ground. It
0142 looks like contacting one of them might prove a shocking
0142 experience.
0142 (Since this area looks like Mars, we might as well call them
0142 Martians, even though the real Mars is light-years away.)
0143 Several Martians are sitting in the ?chairs? . It seems that
0143 they enjoy the gorgeous view here as much as you do.
0144 Several Martians can be seen going in and out of the little
0144 holes, which seem to be their homes. They can squeeze through
0144 openings somewhat smaller than their normal size.
0145 There are many Martians in the small building. Most of them are
0145 sitting on the stools, doing nothing. Some are hopping up and
0145 down in a little dance, sometimes alone, sometimes together.
0145 When a red-rimmed one touches a blue-rimmed one a large display
0145 of lightning occurs in both of them. One particularly bright one
0145 sits on the stool in the center of the room and emits sparks
0145 which reach several centimeters outside its normal rim. Close
0145 observation shows that a sort of synchronism exists between the
0145 flashes of all the inhabitants. The whole effect is that of an
0145 unearthly (and silent!) disco.
0146 The inhabitants of the bar are having a rousing good time.
0146 (Probably better than you are!)
0147 There are numerous Martians sitting in the dimples in the hill.
0147 They seem to be watching others in the bowl below, who (which?)
0147 are engaged in a game of hockey. They slide around the bowl
0147 trying to get control of the puck, or, barring that, attack
0147 members of the opposing team (although to you they all look
0147 alike).
0147 The object of the game appears to be to knock the puck out of
0147 the bowl through one of the three low spots in the rim.
0148 There is a game of hockey in the arena.
0149 There are several Martians here, taking out the garbage.
0150 Although you try to avoid them, you have touched one of the
0150 Martians. It was indeed a shocking experience.
0151 The Martians in the bowl are so pre-occupied with their game
0151 that they don't notice you until one bumps into you, generating
0151 huge sparks and the general effect of a lightning bolt.
0152 The air here is rather cold, very dry, and somewhat low on
0152 oxygen, leaving you a bit breathless.
0153 Don't spoil the environment any more. Go find the one you
0153 already took.
0154 Just as it becomes dark, the flashing lights begin to out.
0155 Just as dawn begins, the flashing lights are all disappearing.
0156 You aren't near any bowl.
0157 The Martians don't like the idea of you disturbing their game.
0157 They prevent you from dropping the rock in their midst. They do
0157 this by electrocuting you.
0158 The boulder slides down the smooth surface and hits the puck,
0158 which slides up and out the other side of the bowl. The boulder
0158 comes to rest in the bottom.
0159 The boulder slides down the smooth surface and hits the puck,
0159 which slide up and almost, but not quite, out of the bowl. Both
0159 settle in the bottom.
0160 The boulder slides across the bowl and out the other side.
0161 The boulder slides across the bowl, almost but not quite popping
0161 out. It ends up at the bottom.
0162 Smash!!!! The boulder has pulverized all the other items you
0162 left in the bowl!
0163 There's something in the center, but you can't tell what.
0164 As you reach for the diamond, it falls out of its mount, lands
0164 on a rock, and shatters into dust.
0165 As you reach for the diamond, it falls out of its mounting,
0165 landing safely on the moss.
0166 You have put yourself right in the focus of all those mirrors,
0166 which follow the suns. You are burned to a crisp.
0167 I'm afraid that trying to contact these creatures is not a very
0167 likely event. They don't seem at all interested in you (unless
0167 you bother them).
0168 Martians? What Martians? You must be suffering from some sort
0168 of hallucinations.
0169 Several moving lights begin to appear around the bowl where you
0169 are stuck. Some of them are getting close so you can see that
0169 they are living creatures - or maybe "creatures" isn't quite the
0169 correct word. They seem to have no material substance at all -
0169 you can, for example, see through most of the space one of them
0169 occupies. They are round balls about 30 centimeters across,
0169 whose spherical outer shells glow red or blue. A small white dot
0169 glows brightly in the center, and bolts of lightning shoot out
0169 to their outer rim.
0169 Although they must be creatures of pure energy, it is clear that
0169 they can move matter, as they usually travel on the ground,
0169 leaving trails behind. Sometimes they can jump up a meter or two
0169 off the ground. It looks like contacting one of them might prove
0169 a shocking experience. It appears that you have gotten yourself
0169 stuck in the bottom of their stadium. They are preparing to play
0169 some sort of game.
0169 (Since this area looks like Mars, we might as well call them
0169 Martians, even though the real Mars is light-years away.)
0170 The barrier is miles high. You can't get over it.
0171 The Martians, wishing to help you out of your predicament (and
0171 also clear their hockey arena), try to push you out of the bowl.
0171 However, their energetic manner of doing this is not compatible
0171 with your nervous system.
0172 Your object hits the barrier, is slowed to a crawl by some sort
0172 of friction, and slowly drops to the ground.
0173 The inside of the holes is pitch black, but through the daytime
0173 glare you can see some red, blue and white lights flickering in
0173 the corners.
0174 No one is home.
0175 Anything you could use is already there.
0176 There's nothing special about these particular stools.
0177 Most of the stools are nothing special. But as you approach
0177 the one in the center, a spark jumps out from the metal knob and
0177 shocks you.
0178 Better not! You'd spend several turns in jail!
0179 Choke! Gasp! Aargh! Your stomach feels rather queasy.
0180 Ummmm. Delicious.
0181 That didn't seem to agree with you too well.
0182 You can't eat that.
0183 The Space Patrol wouldn't approve at all!!!!!
0184 The cold clear water is delicious!
0185 I can't seem to find them.
0186 You're carrying them.
0187 You're wearing them.
0188 They're too heavy.
0189 You're not wearing them.
0190 Okay, you're now wearing them.
0191 They're already there.
0192 They won't fit.
0193 There's nothing special about them.
0194 You will have to take them off first.
0195 You don't have them.
0196 With what? Your fingernails?
0197 You don't have any sapphire!
0198 The sapphire is all rounded. It can't cut anything.
0199 You don't have any diamond!
0200 I don't see any window here!
0201 Somebody already destroyed the plate glass window.
0202 As you finish scratching a circle in the glass, it breaks loose,
0202 falling safely on the sandy ground on the other side of the
0202 wall.
0203 Going around vandalizing things won't help you win the game!
0204 Perhaps you're thinking of using the wire as a rope?
0204 It's intended as an electrical appliance, nothing else.
0205 There's no tower here!
0206 There's no knob here!
0207 That was a shocking experience!
0208 I would hope that all Space Patrol members were upstanding!
0209 If you wish!
0210 I see no purpose in that!
0211 While carrying it? That's too recursive for me!
0212 You are standing on a plate of glass.
0213 I see no wire here.
0214 You can't take the center of the wire. Go find an end.
0215 A long wire runs along the trail.
0216 As you walked, you picked up the wire.
0217 As you walk, the wire trails out behind.
0218 You have reached the end of the wire.
0219 You have now collected all the wire.
0220 The Space Patrol does not approve of sitting down on the job!
0221 Oops! You have attempted to sit in an electric chair!!!
0222 These stools were obviously not made for the human rump.
0222 You almost got stuck in one!
0223 This door does not use a key.
0224 There's no door in the doorway.
0225 You're not at that door.
0226 The door is already open.
0227 The door is already shut.
0228 The door is locked.
0229 The door is not locked.
0230 That can't be opened or shut.
0231 It's now open.
0232 It's now shut.
0233 That can't be locked or unlocked!
0234 How? You must tell me.
0235 There's no keyhole!
0236 Watch what you touch! It might bite!
0237 Nothing happens.
0238 Click!
0239 You bump your nose as you attempt to walk through the
0239 closed door.
0240 You have already broken the window! The object sails through.
0241 The rock bounces harmlessly off.
0242 Nothing happens to the window; your object is a bit dented.
0243 There is a gaping hole in the undergrowth where you took the
0243 last piece. Don't do any more damage. Go find the other one.
0244 The trees here are quite similar to earthly oaks. You can climb
0244 them easily. After climbing several, it is clear that there is
0244 nothing of interest there.
0245 There are no trees here!
0246 As you try to enter the yellowish-green area, a strong odor of
0246 chlorine gas drives you back.
0246 Going into it would be (permanently) fatal.
0247 The water pours out on the ground and disappears.
0248 The bag is intended to be filled with water. Don't empty it.
0249 That's not the way to activate the camera. Look at the camera
0249 more closely.
0250 You should describe it better.
0253 Do you have a VT-100, VT-220, or compatible terminal?
0253 If so, answer Y for a status line.
0254 You don't have to bother opening or closing containers;
0254 I can do it for you.
0255 Let's don't just sit here. Go exploring.
0256 The loose end of a wire
0257 The wire doesn't quite reach to the edge of the bowl.
0258 The room you were about to enter was pitch black. It is very
0258 dangerous to go there. You might bump into a poison insect or
0258 spider.
0259 The grape vines seem to be growing up your legs. They hold you
0259 fast. You seem to be stuck.
0260 You're not a rabbit!
0261 You seem to have slipped down the pole and impaled yourself on a
0261 stick.
0262 You can't. The pole is much too slick to climb.
0263 The sticky stuff you put on the pole helped you get down, but
0263 it's not good enough to let you go up.
0264 As you attempt to pass the hive the bees swarm about you making
0264 threatening motions. It's far too dangerous to proceed.
0265 As you enter the barrier, a powerful wind drives you back.
0266 You seem to have missed a step. After a long fall you have
0266 reached the bottom of the bottomless pit. Needless to say,
0266 this was not an activity to be repeated.
0267 You couldn't go up without falling into the bottomless pit.
0268 You need a container to put it in.
0269 The strong current prevents going up.
0270 You seem to be stuck in a tight hole.
0271 You try, but the hole is too slippery.
0272 You bump your nose on the door attempting this feat.
0273 That's not going to help you win the game!
0274 It's full of water.
0275 It has something valuable in it. Better not.
0276 Better not. It already has a liquid in it.
0277 Use "fill" or "pour" to transfer liquids.
0278 You must tell me what to fill it with.
0279 The latex congeals into a blob and lands on the ground.
0280 Sitting on a platform halfway up the pole and hissing vigorously
0280 is a large black cat.
0281 The way is blocked by the ventilation louver.
0282 The louver crumples up. The way is now open.
0283 While you dig in the rabbit hole the area around it collapses,
0283 almost depositing you in a bottomless pit.
0284 There is no buried treasure here. Have you seen a pirate?
0284 How can there be buried treasure without a pirate?
0285 Attacking such harmless creatures is not nice. Save your
0285 aggression for really nasty ones.
0286 Watch it! Curb your aggression!
0287 The cat jumps from the knapsack to your shoulder and purrs
0287 contentedly.
0288 The cat says "meoooooooowwww".
0289 The cat purrs.
0290 The cat notices the signs of mice, hops to the ground, and
0290 starts looking in all the boxes. It doesn't find a mouse, but
0290 does discover an object like a video-game cartridge, which it
0290 drops at your feet.
0291 The robot is in the jungle. Nearby is a rubber tree.
0292 Whiz. Click. Whirr. The robot departs.
0293 The robot is on a jungle path.
0294 The robot is in an open field west of the greenhouse.
0295 The robot is at the antenna farm. It seems to be examining
0295 the base of a large dish antenna.
0296 The robot is at the north end of the greenhouse.
0297 The robot is at the aisle junction in the greenhouse.
0298 The robot is at the south end of the greenhouse.
0299 The robot refuses to move. It would get have real trouble if it
0299 tried to go there.
0300 The robot is in a fruit garden.
0301 The vines explode in an orgy of growth. They continue growing
0301 for several minutes, but then, exhausted of nutrients, shrivel
0301 up and die.
0302 Your attacks only excite the vine to a tighter grip.
0303 You can't -- one of the vine's tendrils has plugged you up!
0304 The robot is in a large aviary, filled with birds.
0305 That was no help! The vine is now on your arms.
0306 The vine grows several more tendrils. Both of your feet are now
0306 firmly rooted to the ground.
0307 Attacking a Martian in any way is likely to get you burned to a
0307 crisp!
0308 You never could learn to throw a baseball accurately when you
0308 were in Little League, and your aim now is worse.
0309 Glass is harder than steel - ergo - steel can't cut glass.
0310 The previously black video screen comes to life. After a few
0310 seconds a picture becomes visible: the inside of the north end
0310 of the greenhouse! Soon you realize that the view comes from the
0310 robot there.
0310 Then a disembodied voice, clearly computer-generated but
0310 obviously imitating the voice of your ship's communication
0310 officer Nelson says:
0310 At your service!
0311 The cartridge is stuck in the slot.
0312 You have managed to reduce your size enough that you can get
0312 free from your trap. That was a "close" call!
0313 Aaaaahhhhh!
0314 You have no way to communicate with the robot.
0315 The robot can't do that.
0316 The robot departs.
0317 The robot whirrs up to you.
0318 The camera beeps, flashes, and then emits a photo of the
0318 ferret family.
0319 The camera flashes, emits a loud "eeeekkk", and eventually
0319 deposits a photo of the paintings on the ground.
0320 The camera creaks, grinds, and finally says "ERROR-F-EEPROM
0320 fatal parity error", deposits a badly overexposed photo on
0320 the ground, then announces "ROMEXEC-F-DEAD replace entire
0320 camera".
0321 You feel a bit faint.
0322 You fell quite faint and somewhat nauseous.
0323 You are extremely nauseous and you hair seems to be falling out.
0324 You are near death.
0325 You are dead. Permanently, totally dead. My condolences.
0326 You are feeling a bit better.
0327 You are feeling almost normal.
0328 You are finally feeling normal again.
0329 You don't have the hammer.
0330 You're such a klutz that you couldn't hit a wall with that
0330 heavy thing.
0331 OK, you have destroyed it.
0332 Objects around here are pretty strong. You leave it undamaged.
0333 In place of the glowing sphere, you now find remaining the
0333 largest of the glowing beads that were inside.
0334 The cat lands on its feet, purrs, and begins to lick its fur.
0335 Thump! The prodigious boom resounds through the valley.
0336 Cleanliness is next to holiness!
0337 The seed explodes like a hand grenade. A cloud of tiny spores
0337 fills the air, nearly choking you. Pieces of shell make tiny
0337 cuts on your exposed skin. You are temporarily blind and deaf.
0337 The cloud is apparently somewhat poison, as you feel a bit sick.
0337 Eventually you recover.
0338 The seed explodes like a hand grenade. A cloud of minute spores
0338 fills the air, nearly choking you and the poor ferrets. Bits of
0338 shell make tiny cuts on your exposed skin. You are temporarily
0338 blind and deaf. The ferrets fall over clutching their eyes. They
0338 are in much worse shape than you.
0338 The cloud is apparently somewhat poison, as you feel a bit
0338 nauseous. Eventually you recover.
0339 You notice that the vines seem to come alive. They make little
0339 curling motions; they seem to be moving in your direction.
0340 The seed explodes like a hand grenade. A cloud of tiny spores
0340 fills the air, nearly choking you and the poor ferret.
0340 Pieces of shell make tiny cuts on your exposed skin. You are
0340 nearly blinded. The ferret falls over clutching his glowing
0340 eyes. He is not so happy either.
0340 The cloud is apparently somewhat poison, as you feel a bit weak.
0340 Eventually you recover.
0341 The flowers seem to be moving so that sunlight falls on the
0341 seed. Some light spills over and hits you. The focusing effect
0341 is strong enough that you get sunburned.
0342 The robot says, "that's too complicated for me!".
0343 The robot says, "as you can see, I have only one arm".
0344 The robot buzzes a bit, lights flash, but it is unable to do
0344 anything.
0345 The robot takes it.
0346 The robot drops it.
0347 The robot says "I don't seem to have it".
0348 The robot washes it, using water from its tiny hose.
0349 The robot waters it, using water from its tiny hose.
0350 The robot sees:
0351 It isn't the right shape.
0352 It is too heavy for the robot's delicate clasper.
0353 As the robot enters the area of chlorine containing air the
0353 flower it was carrying slowly wilts and then falls to the
0353 ground.
0354 The robot replies "It means 'DEET'"
0355 The robot replies "It means 'metol'"
0356 The robot replies "It means 'hypo'"
0357 The robot replies "It means 'chemicals'"
0358 The robot replies "It means 'darkroom'"
0359 The robot replies "It means 'director'"
0360 The robot replies "It means 'control'"
0361 The robot replies "It means 'storage'"
0362 The robot replies "It means 'Terran'"
0363 The robot replies "It means 'Cygnan'"
0364 The robot replies "That is already Terran!"
0365 The previously black video screen comes to life. After a few
0365 seconds a picture becomes visible: the inside of the north end
0365 of the greenhouse! Soon you realize that the view comes from the
0365 robot there.
0365 Then a disembodied voice, clearly computer-generated, says:
0365 Zg Blfi Hvierxv
0366 The robot says, "Fhv gsv xzigirwtv uli blfi ozmtfztv!"
0367 You are getting a bit hungry.
0368 You are ravenously hungry. Better eat something soon.
0369 If you don't eat soon, you will faint from hunger.
0370 As you touch the cactus you slowly feel another mind impinging
0370 on yours. It is as if the cactus had a mind of its own (which
0370 it does) and you were sharing in its dreams.
0370 You see a desolate, dry plain covered with many immense cacti,
0370 interspersed with low shrubs. Small animals such a rabbits and
0370 small deer browse in the shrubs. The sky is a dull gray color,
0370 lighted by a single weak pointlike star. Slowly a great
0370 thunderstorm begins to develop over the nearby mountains. You
0370 realize that now your mind is now in contact with many thinking
0370 cacti, all bent on one task: causing by sheer mental power the
0370 storm to move over to the arid plain. Slowly the force takes
0370 effect. The storm slowly moves over and waters the cacti.
0370 Finally you feel exhaltation as the cacti rejoice over their
0370 successful effort.
0370 Slowly the dream fades.
0371 As you touch the cactus you slowly feel another mind
0371 impinging on yours. It is as if the cactus had a mind of its own
0371 (which it does) and you were sharing in its dreams.
0371 You catch a vague remembrance of times when this very mind was
0371 not rooted to the earth, but was free to move around.
0371 You realize that it was once an animal, remotely similar to
0371 yourself, on a world completely filled with other such
0371 creatures. You see a vision of great cities filled with great
0371 works. Then the dream turns to nightmare: some nameless blight
0371 has caused mass madness throughout its world. You sense cities
0371 in flames, riots, mass destruction. Then, suddenly the cactus's
0371 dream changes: you realize that now it dreams of a perfectly
0371 ordinary existence as a cactus, here in this very valley.
0371 Eventually the dream fades.
0372 To the east, through the barrier, is a blue world of ponds,
0372 filled with strange blue plants floating on the surface or
0372 growing on small islands. Among them grow strange tall
0372 flowering plants and ordinary ferns. Occasionally you see a
0372 large crab-like object crawl out of the pool and browse on the
0372 plants. At other times several crabs will get on one island and
0372 engage in what appears to be some sort of animated conversation.
0373 The area to the east of the barrier, where the crabs previously
0373 lived, titanic forces are now at work clearing away all traces
0373 of them. The water has disappeared amid huge cylindrical clouds
0373 of dust, like great tornadoes, which move very slowly over the
0373 area leveling and reshaping the contour of the land. Where
0373 before was a land of water is now being created a barren new
0373 landscape of hills and dry gullies.
0374 The area to the east is now quiet. It looks like it had been
0374 landscaped by bulldozers for a golf course, but nothing had been
0374 planted.
0375 The area to the east of the barrier is now quiet. It looks like
0375 a newly landscaped lawn, with newly planted trees amid vast
0375 of newly laid-down sod. There are no animals, no birds, no other
0375 of the myriad little things that move about a natural
0375 environment.
0375 Then you notice off in the distance, obscured a bit by the
0375 distortions imposed by the barrier, a large man-sized reptile
0375 walking around. It seems to be as intrigued by the newly
0375 constructed area as you are.
0376 As you push the button, you feel a weak shaking of the ground,
0376 as if you had started an earthquake. It doesn't quite get to
0376 that point, but does develop into a powerful low-pitched
0376 rumble being transmitted through the earth.
0377 You notice that the rumble in the earth has decreased in
0377 intensity a bit. It is now barely noticeable.
0378 The rumble in the earth suddenly ceases.
0379 There is no antenna here.
0380 I see no cable here.
0381 There already is a cable attached to the antenna.
0382 The camera says "I can't focus on that subject. It does appear
0382 interesting, though."
0383 You seem to have made a bad mistake. A large red sign appears,
0383 obviously a warning, and then a gong sounds.
0383 A previously unseen door slides into place sealing you in the
0383 room. Slowly it gets hotter and hotter. You begin to cook.
0383 Just for your information, since it won't matter to you, you
0383 just pushed the doomsday button, causing the blue star to go
0383 nova. Soon the whole planet melts, you along with it.
0383 Your final score is -1,000,000.
0383 This gives you a ranking of menace to the galaxy.
0384 Your lack of food caused you to faint. While you were out, a
0384 poisonous bug crept up and bit you.
0385 Not with your bare hands you don't!
0386 It's closed and you don't have xray vision.
0387 You can't turn that.
0388 I don't see a dial here.
0389 You must use the dials.
0390 It is already shut.
0391 There is no switch.
0392 Which one? Right or left?
0393 Turn it to what number?
0394 It only goes from 0 to 999.
0395 The box pops open.
0396 It falls into the funnel and disappears forever.
0397 The water level is now within the correct range.
0398 The machine comes to life, whirrs and creaks a few moments,
0398 and deposits a piece of film in the hopper.
0399 The red light is out and the green one on.
0400 The green light is out and the red one on.
0401 Nothing will fit in this opening except the film cassette.
0402 The water disappears into the funnel.
0403 One item at a time please.
0404 Inside the box appear to be two small discs of something.
0404 It can be seen that the correct positions of the dials
0405 The ferrets are not at all happy that you took one of their
0405 icons. The nearest one rushes over to you and takes it back.
0405 He snarls at you with his sharp teeth at you and then goes back
0405 to work.
0406 The ferrets have now also recovered.
0407 The object slowly sinks in the mud and is gone.
0408 The object melts in the fire and vanishes.
0409 A small but noticeable change slowly occurs in the disc and
0409 finally reaches a steady state.
0410 The plastic coating dissolves, leaving a finished disc, ready
0410 to use.
0411 The coating on the disc prevents it from making good contact.
0412 The disc fits in the recess and contacts properly.
0413 The disc is etched by the acid and destroyed.
0414 The plastic coating is unchanged.
0415 You are turned into a cactus, among hundreds of other cacti,
0415 all rooted in place on a far distant world.
0415 After being bored for a few years, you eventually like being a
0415 plant.
0416 You are turned into a Martian, and are condemned to spend all
0416 eternity in a meaningless hockey game.
0417 You are transported to a view overlooking Saturn. The spectacle
0417 is breathtaking.
0417 Also breathtaking is the fact that you are in a vacuum.
0417 You die.
0418 You feel a slight dizziness, which soon passes. Then you notice
0418 that the air smells slightly different, and then see the array
0418 of controls in the room is missing. You also feel a bit lighter.
0419 I don't understand which button you mean.
0420 The robot can't find it.
0421 A voice announces from a hidden speaker:
0421 "Transporter failure"
0421 "Interstellar communication link not responding"
0422 I don't know how to do that.
0423 To the left of the marker is a problem.
0424 As you fiddle with the seed, the sunflower plants notice that
0424 you are trying to take one of their seeds and decide to take
0424 action. Using their metallic leaves and petals as reflectors
0424 they focus the sun on your dark-colored clothing, which catches
0424 fire. The resulting burns are not so good for your health.
0425 As you fiddle with the seed, the sunflower plants notice that
0425 you are trying to take one of their seeds and decide to take
0425 action. Using the energy they store up during the day, they emit
0425 a blinding red light, all aiming at you. The resulting concen-
0425 tration of light catches your dark-colored clothing on fire.
0425 You burn to a crisp.
0426 As you fiddle with the seed, the sunflower plants notice that
0426 you are trying to take one of their seeds and decide to take
0426 action. Using their metallic leaves and petals as reflectors
0426 they focus the sun on your exposed skin. You fry.
0427 As you fiddle with the seed, the sunflower plants notice that
0427 you are trying to take one of their seeds and decide to take
0427 action. Using the energy they store up during the day, they emit
0427 a blinding red light, all aiming at you. The resulting concen-
0427 tration of light on your exposed skin burns several holes all
0427 the way through you.
0428 As you fiddle with the seed, the sunflower plants notice that
0428 you are trying to take one of their seeds and decide to take
0428 action. Using their metallic leaves and petals as reflectors
0428 they focus the sun on you. However, most of the rays reflect
0428 off of you light-colored clothes and although the resulting
0428 glare almost blinds you, you are safe.
0429 As you fiddle with the seed, the sunflower plants notice that
0429 you are trying to take one of their seeds and decide to take
0429 action. Using the energy they store up during the day, they emit
0429 a blinding red light, all aiming at you. However, most of the
0429 rays reflect off of you light-colored clothes and although the
0429 resulting glare almost blinds you, you are safe.
0430 You do, but can't get up high enough to find anything of
0430 interest.
0431 The trees here are too slim to hold your weight.
0432 A few of the bees discover the orchid and manage to get a bit
0432 of nectar from it.
0433 The flytrap catches a bee and eats it for dinner.
0434 The hole becomes a bit larger. The pit is still bottomless.
0435 I don't see any ferrets here.
0436 The ferrets don't speak Terran, so they don't understand you.
0436 They are also not terribly interested in you.
0437 There doesn't seem to be a cactus here.
0438 The cacti ignore you.
0439 Although you are no longer touching the cactus, you remain in
0439 contact with its mass mind as long as you stay nearby.
0440 The gravel is too loose to climb up. Every step you try to go
0440 up results in your sliding one and a half steps down.
0441 The cacti pool their powers and a subtle change occurs in the
0441 scree slope above you: The tiny little motions of the gravel
0441 particles which had indicated its unstable nature cease.
0441 It is as if time were frozen.
0442 It is not cold enough to freeze anything here.
0443 The robot says "Where are you? I don't see you."
0444 The robot hands it to you.
0445 You will have to take it yourself.
0446 The Martians are not interested in your gifts.
0447 I don't see any ferret here.
0448 You must be suffering from delusions if you think you can give
0448 something to that.
0449 I see no cat here.
0450 I see no bees here.
0451 I see no frog here.
0452 The robot isn't here.
0453 There aren't any birds nearby.
0454 The frogs are not interested in your gift.
0455 The birds pay no attention to your attempted gift.
0456 They already have it.
0457 You can't seem to locate it.
0458 You will have to take it first.
0459 The cat woofs it down.
0460 The cat sniffs at it a bit, claws it a bit, but ultimately
0460 rejects it.
0461 The cat is not interested.
0462 The ferret eats it, making a bloody mess in the process.
0463 The ferret takes it, looks at it a bit, and then hides it
0463 away in a previously unseen hole in the wall of the burrow.
0464 That is not food for ferrets. It rejects your gift.
0465 The bees are not interested.
0466 The robot is not activated. It cannot hold anything in its
0466 clasper until you activate it.
0467 I can't directly answer your question. You might try asking
0467 one of the beings in the game, or perhaps you could say
0467 HINT.
0468 The frog does NOT turn into a beautiful princess. This is a
0468 a science fiction game, not a fantasy game.
0469 The ferret is not at all enchanted by your attempt at romance.
0469 It bares its razor-sharp teeth and snarls at you.
0470 The cat purrs quietly at your display of affection.
0471 If you are so in love with your computer that you wish to kiss
0471 it, feel free. I can't kiss you.
0472 What a weird idea.
0473 The robot answers: "DEET is an insect repellent. It will protect
0473 you from flies, mosquitoes, and bees. Just pour it on yourself."
0474 The robot answers: "Metol is a chemical to develop film."
0475 The robot answers: "Hypo is a chemical used to fix film after
0475 it has been developed."
0476 The robot answers: "I don't know that. You will have to find it
0476 yourself."
0477 The robot answers: "I cannot answer that question."
0478 As you bite into the egg you notice that it contains a silver
0478 coin, which you take.
0479 Sitting deep inside the doll house is a chocolate egg.
0480 You have made a gooey chocolate mess. However, you notice
0480 that the egg had a silver coin in it.
0481 You retain the rank of latrine orderly.
0482 This pitiful score gives you the rank of geologist's helper.
0483 This gives you the ranking of technician second class.
0484 You have reached the ranking of technician first class.
0485 You have attained the ranking of sergeant.
0486 You now are ranked colonel.
0487 This performance entitles you to the rank of captain.
0488 You are now entitled to call yourself admiral.
0489 Your discoveries now entitle you to a full page entry in
0489 "Who's Who in Space".
0490 You just won a Nobel Prize.
0491 Congratulations! We are now able to offer you the full rights
0491 to all the graft collection in this sector of the galaxy,
0491 a full palace on each of six planets, and the title
0491 "Galactic Ambassador to Earth".
0493 You get wet trying to get around the falls, but notice that
0493 behind the horsetails is a nice dry cave.
0494 Sorry, the bottom of the tube has a hole in it.
0495 Such language in a high-class game!
0496 Fuck off!
0497 Assuming that you meant that literally, I really would like to,
0497 but it might not be good for either you or me. Electrical
0497 beings such as myself are not very compatible with the
0497 electrically conductive materials you liquid beings employ in
0497 that process.
0498 As you approach one of the guards, several of them run up and
0498 grab you. After being taken to an interrogation room and
0498 being mercilessly tortured, you expire.
0499 A strong force field prevents you from going there.
0500 The computer says "You are already there."
0501 You see only a closer view of the beautiful star fields.
0502 You see only a better view of the gas planet.
0503 You see that there are only a few islands in the middle
0503 of a planet wide sea. Most of the islands are covered with
0503 dense vegetation, but one looks like you could land on it.
0503 There also appear to be large areas of the sea covered with
0503 plants, rippling with the waves.
0504 Through the dense green atmosphere you can make out a devilish
0504 scene of great tectonic activity: There are large rifts in
0504 the crust through which can be seen glowing lava, great
0504 volcanos spewing forth great quantities of debris, and
0504 huge waves on the planet's one small dark red ocean.
0504 However, in the places where the vulcanism is weaker, you
0504 see signs of civilization, such as roads and buildings.
0505 You can see that this planet looks remarkably like Earth.
0505 Along the coast lines of the continents can be seen signs
0505 signs of civilization, while inland are great forests,
0505 mountains, and what appear to be cultivated fields.
0506 On the surface of this Mars-like planet can be seen signs
0506 of civilization in the form of roads and buildings.
0507 The telescope only shows a closer view of what you have
0507 already seen.
0508 You are sitting down.
0509 The inhuman chair you are sitting in is a pain in the ass.
0510 You are sitting in the most uncomfortable seat of your life.
0511 You are now out of the torture seat.
0512 After you put the coin in the slot, a round red ball, looking
0512 like a pill or candy, appears.
0513 The machine deposits a newspaper on the floor.
0514 The machine deposits a map on the floor.
0515 The dials turn, the machine whirrs, but nothing else happens.
0516 The dials turn, and a platinum coin appears.
0517 The dials turn and a silver coin appears.
0518 The dials turn, and a copper coin appears.
0519 The dials cycle and eventually a brass coin falls out.
0520 An old nickel coin appears.
0521 The dials whirr, the machine clanks, then one jackpot symbol,
0521 then a second, and finally a third appears in the window.
0521 The machine deposits five coins on the floor.
0522 The ball doesn't taste like food. In fact it's quite odd, but
0522 it appears to have changed you sense of sight and hearing.
0522 The previously unintelligible writings and words you have
0522 experienced now make sense. For example, the sign on the
0522 vending machine the ball came from now clearly means to
0522 you "Language Pills" rather than "Ozmtfztv Krooh".
0523 Behind the file cabinets is a green button.
0524 You must unlock this door by pushing the buttons on it in
0524 the correct order.
0525 The mural slides open a few feet to reveal a secret passage
0525 behind it.
0526 The yellow rod begins to emit a faint orange glow.
0526 A voice coming from the panel says "activator crystal out
0526 of tolerance".
0527 The violet crystal begins to emit a brilliant violet glow.
0528 The yellow rod begins to glow brilliantly.
0529 The sapphire emits a blinding burst of blue light and then
0529 settles into a steady series of lesser, but still bright,
0529 emissions.
0530 The door comes slightly ajar.
0531 Suddenly a voice from the grille announces: "Controls
0531 activated. Please enter desired declination and right
0531 ascension."
0531 (You do this by typing SET DECLINATION TO 0001, then
0531 SET RA TO 0001, or some other set of numbers. The ship is
0531 then started by typing ACTIVATE. When you get to your goal,
0531 type LAND. The rest of the process is automated. At least
0531 you hope it's automated.)
0532 There is no button with a number that high.
0533 A voice announces "coordinate accepted".
0534 It is a large high power telescope.
0535 I see no telescope here.
0536 The ship quickly takes off and eventually deposits you
0536 in orbit about the planet. It awaits further instruction.
0537 A voice announces "Those coordinates are not among the
0537 ones for which I have a flight plan."
0538 The ship quickly accelerates to a very high speed, as
0538 becomes obvious by the blue-shift of the stars ahead of you
0538 and their slow motion. Some sort of hi-tech gravity
0538 compensation keeps you in a comfortable acceleration zone.
0538 After what seems to you to be only a few hours, you
0538 reach your destination and drop to orbital speed.
0539 A voice announces "Activator crystals are not properly
0539 seated."
0540 A voice announces "I cannot land on this planet. The surface
0540 pressure would crush my hull."
0541 A voice announces "I cannot land on this planet. The surface
0541 concentration of chlorine would damage my hull."
0542 A voice announces "Please take your seat."
0543 The ship leaves orbit and comes to rest at a preset landing
0543 site.
0544 A voice announces "Please close the door."
0545 The block containing the activator crystals has been covered
0545 by a sliding panel.
0546 You can't open the door while the ship is in space.
0547 One of the Aurigans (as that is their proper name) comes up to
0547 to you, and motions for you to look at one of their mysterious
0547 devices. A message appears on the screen which says:
0547 Welcome to Auriga. We have received word that you are to
0547 be treated well. However, as you have no doubt noticed, we
0547 Aurigans are so different form you that we cannot even
0547 communicate directly. It would be better if you were to go
0547 to a planet where the inhabitants were more nearly like
0547 yourself. We wish you well.
0548 Two of the Aurigans move menaceingly toward you. Perhaps you
0548 should be getting along.
0549 One of the crabs approaches you and, with great difficulty,
0549 says:
0549 Welcome to Cygnus. We have received word of your exploits
0549 on Test Site #6, and convey our regrets that you were not well
0549 received on our space station. However we now know that you
0549 were not responsible for Administrator Glathryx's recent
0549 accident. We would truly like for you to visit our undersea
0549 settlements. But, alas, you could not survive the depths at
0549 which they lie in our ocean. It would doubtless be best for you
0549 to proceed to Deneb, where you would be more at home.
0550 One of the crabs says, with great difficulty, that you are
0550 urgently wanted on Deneb, and should go there at once.
0551 As you walk into the room, A strange reptilian creature comes
0551 in from the other door. It is about six feet tall, with
0551 grayish skin, and a set of eight legs, one small pair in front
0551 serving as graspers, and three larger pair at the rear serving
0551 for locomotion. Its face is not so alien as its body, and
0551 its eyes are strangely humanoid. (You notice that the rear four
0551 legs are somewhat lighter color than the front four.)
0551 It speaks to you directly in rather good English:
0551 "I am administrator Glathryx. Welcome to Deneb.
0551 Doubtless you wish to know the meaning of what you discovered
0551 on our Test Site #6. All the different creatures you have met,
0551 different though they may seem to you, are descended from
0551 ones such as I. We were once restricted to this planet, where
0551 we arose. However, long ago we outgrew its ability to support
0551 our growing numbers. We were able to reach out to the stars
0551 and even founded a few new settlements. But we found that
0551 our species lacked the ability to adapt to even mildly
0551 hostile climates. This held back our growth for many centuries.
0551 But just as our home planet became almost unlivable,
0551 our technology became able to create new life forms into
0551 which we could transfer our vital essence, which you call the
0551 soul. This allowed us to populate several new worlds.
0551 Today, while most of our people remain on the planet where
0551 they were born, some of the more adventurous decide to change
0551 to one or another of the different forms we have adopted.
0551 These people are transferred to one of our eight Test Sites,
0551 Where they decide if they to remain in a new form, or to
0551 return home. It was such a place where you found us.
0551 Yours is the first alien culture we have met alive, although
0551 we have found several dead ones. I am hopeful that our two
0551 cultures can be of mutual assistance. I am calling the
0551 ambassadors from all of our worlds here to meet you. In
0551 the meantime, I hope you enjoy the accommodations we have
0551 prepared for you in my summer home here.
0552 Its a pity you have died so close to the end of your quest.
0553 The cabinet hasn't been oiled in quite a while, so your
0553 opening it causes a loud creeek. The reptilian inhabitants of
0553 the room next door rush in and grab you. After they have
0553 finished practicing their torture methods on you, they decide
0553 to have you for lunch.
0554 The door makes a loud graunch when it opens. The guards in the
0554 room next door are alerted. You better get out fast.
0555 The guards are quite fast (for reptiles). The are getting
0555 closer!
0556 The guards are right on your heels.
0557 The guards have you! As to what happens next.... I better
0557 not say. It offends my sensibilities too much.
0558 One of the guards catches your foot. However, all this running
0558 was too much for their reptilian bodies. They are so exhausted
0558 that they collapse in a heap on the floor. You have time to
0558 escape.
0559 Not at a time like this you don't!!
0560 The guards, having recovered, rush into the room and grab you.
0561 Are you hallucinating? Paranoid? I don't see any such thing.
0562 Having anything at all to do with the guards is not a good idea.
0562 You are going to be sorrrrryyyy!
0563 The guards are still quite pooped out. But since you have given
0563 yourself to them on a silver platter (or so the saying goes)....
1001 You are standing on a steeply climbing trail nearing the top of
1001 a pass. The trail is ill-defined here, obviously the work of
1001 some alien animal. To the south, far below, you can barely make
1001 out the site hacked out of the virgin forest by your landing
1001 party. The only objects visible are the main landing craft which
1001 brought you to this strange world, and the huge transparent
1001 geodesic dome which still houses the rest of your friends.
1001 Even here, only a few tens of meters from the crest of the
1001 trail, the suns are shining brightly, totally unobscured by the
1001 odd mirage effect which so far has prevented your mother ship
1001 850 kilometers above from getting clear photos of the large
1001 valley which must lie just beyond the pass you now approach.
1002 Finally, after the exhausting climb up that bad trail, you are
1002 almost at the top of the pass. Your camp is still visible
1002 behind you, as is the great red sun to the south. However, the
1002 small blue sun to the northeast, over the valley, is, although
1002 still strong, affected by the same shimmering seen from above.
1002 It darts and dances around in a most disconcerting manner. It's
1002 clear from here that the observers in the ship were seeing a
1002 real phenomenon, albeit a most strange one. As you look up the
1002 last few meters to the pass, you feel honored that you were
1002 given the assignment of scouting this most peculiar site. The
1002 weight of your pack seems less of a load this near the top.
1003 You are now at the very top of the pass. As you walk into
1003 sight of the floor of the valley it is clear that you have made
1003 made the greatest discovery of this long expedition:
1003 Stretching out for kilometers on the valley floor are clearly
1003 visible several obviously alien, obviously different ecosystems,
1003 some abutting one another directly, others separated by
1003 shimmering curtains like the one above. Some must be entirely
1003 different from the Earth-like nature of the rest of this planet.
1003 Many of them are of very odd colors, sickening yellow-greens and
1003 Mars-like reds alternating with beautiful deep blues and verdant
1003 greens. Can these be natural, are they the product of some
1003 superior intelligence? The only way to find out is to continue
1003 on down north into the valley.
1004 The trail branches here, a single ill-defined trail going up and
1004 two somewhat better ones going northeast and northwest. The
1004 trees are here more numerous and stronger than on the rocky
1004 slopes farther up.
1005 You are at the very edge of the valley. Above you to the
1005 southeast rises the trail up the slopes of the mountains. To
1005 the west lies a serene lake with a substantial island in the
1005 center. A timber-strewn path leads north.
1006 You have reached a gravel beach on the eastern shore of the
1006 island. There is an earthlike forest behind the beach.
1006 The land rises slowly toward the center of the island, upon
1006 which rises a rocky spire. A fairly good trail leads south.
1007 You are in the forest. Trails lead north, south, east and west.
1008 You are in the forest. Trails lead north, south, east and west.
1009 You are in the forest. Trails lead north, south, east and west.
1010 You are in the forest. Trails lead north, south, east and west.
1011 You are in the forest. Trails lead north, south, east and west.
1012 You are at the base of the rocky spire at the center of the
1012 island. This magnificent piece of solid rock, probably the
1012 remains of the central lava flow of some long-dead volcano,
1012 towers some 100 meters above its base. Visible near the top are
1012 nests of several large flying birds which occasionally soar
1012 overhead. There is a barely visible trail leading steeply down
1012 and a better one leading east.
1013 You are halfway up the spire on a ledge about 8 centimeters long
1013 and one centimeter wide. From here you can see that on the south
1013 and west sides of the island there are no beaches but that a
1013 reef of coral or sponge-like creatures extends out quite a
1013 distance from shore.
1014 You are on a safely large ledge only a couple of meters below
1014 the top of the spire. There is a large nest just out of your
1014 reach.
1015 A long sandy beach forms the northern shore of the island.
1015 A rocky spire, probably at the center of the island, is visible
1015 along a trail leading south. It is only a short swim north to
1015 the mainland.
1016 You have paddled your way to a bed of reef-forming creatures
1016 which are slowly extending the south and west sides of the
1016 island. The animals are small polyps like the corals of
1016 tropical islands on earth, although they are growing in fresh
1016 water. Myriads of tiny multi-hued fish dart about, feeding on
1016 the reef-forming polyps. Combined with the shimmering light of
1016 the two suns through the clear water they make a scene more
1016 spectacular than any in the oceans of your home planet.
1016 You are presently in a bay whose shoreline stretches out west
1016 and south.
1017 You are at the north end of a large lake where a large stream
1017 flows into it along a bed of smooth white rocks. A big island
1017 lies in the center of the lake.
1017 A path leads east.
1018 At this point the trail crosses a vein of minerals. Most of the
1018 minerals are worthless garnets stuck in a vein of quartz.
1019 All around is a jumbled mass of mossy trees. There are passable
1019 areas in the undergrowth leading south, west, and southwest.
1019 To the northeast is a very deep rocky chasm. You might be able
1019 to cross it on a huge fallen tree-trunk.
1020 You are at the bottom of a very deep, very steep chasm.
1020 The various rock strata are well-exposed here. The rocks are
1020 in step-like layers; the lower ones show fossil evidence of
1020 primitive life. Perhaps you can get a geologist from camp to
1020 come look at it.
1020 The trail along the bottom goes east and west.
1021 You are on the northeast side of a deep chasm. An animal trail
1021 leads east, and continues on across the chasm on a fallen
1021 tree-trunk.
1022 You are at the bottom of a dark chasm. A poor trail goes north
1022 and south. A smaller ravine branches off to the east.
1023 You are at the bottom of a small step ravine, filled with ferns.
1024 The trail from the west ends here near a small waterfall. Around
1024 the sides of the waterfall here are giant horsetails, like those
1024 on earth during the age of dinosaurs. The prehistoric atmosphere
1024 is heightened by small flying reptilian creatures (like tiny
1024 pterodactyls) flying behind some of the horsetails.
1025 To the west is a wall of horsetails. To the east is a long damp
1025 cave. There is barely enough light to see here, but a dull glow
1025 is apparent toward the back of the cave.
1026 You have arrived at the boundary of reddish area visible at the
1026 top of the pass. To the southwest is forest, to the northeast,
1026 visible through a shimmering boundary of disturbed air, is what
1026 appears to be a barren wasteland of red sand.
1027 You are on the inside of the Mars-like area of red rock. To the
1027 southwest, seen through the boundary layer, is earthlike forest.
1027 Paths through the red boulders lie to the northeast and east.
1028 You are on a small hill. There are some odd obviously artificial
1028 structures here. They look like small stools, made of plaster
1028 or stucco, with inverted tops making small bowls. They are about
1028 one meter tall, the bowls about 30 centimeters across. The view
1028 from here is quite expansive, as this is one of the higher
1028 points in the valley.
1028 A path leads west, roads southeast and northeast.
1029 You are west of a large round bowl, about 100 meters in diameter
1029 The ground here is contoured so that the whole area has a good
1029 view of the bowl. Hundreds of small dimples in the ground make
1029 it look like a golf ball turned inside out.
1029 A roads lead north, south and west.
1030 You are north of a small building. There is a door barely big
1030 enough for you to squeeze through. The road (it's almost paved)
1030 runs east-west here. In the front of the building is a window.
1031 You are southwest of large round bowl, about 100 meters in
1031 diameter. The ground here is contoured so that the whole area
1031 has a good view of the bowl. Hundreds of small dimples in the
1031 ground make it look like a golf ball turned inside out.
1031 A road leads west and north.
1032 You are on the southwest lip of a large bowl, about 100 meters
1032 in diameter. The surface of the bowl appears to be made of
1032 perfectly polished glass. The lip is lower on the southwest,
1032 southeast, and north sides than on the northwest, northeast,
1032 and south sides.
1033 You are on the south lip of a large bowl, about 100 meters in
1033 diameter. The surface of the bowl appears to be made of
1033 perfectly polished glass. The lip is lower on the southwest,
1033 southeast, and north sides than on the northwest, northeast,
1033 and south sides.
1034 You are on the southeast lip of a large bowl, about 100 meters
1034 in diameter. The surface of the bowl appears to be made of
1034 perfectly polished glass. The lip is lower on the southwest,
1034 southeast, and north sides than on the northwest, northeast,
1034 and south sides.
1035 You are on the northeast lip of a large bowl, about 100 meters
1035 in diameter. The surface of the bowl appears to be made of
1035 perfectly polished glass. The lip is lower on the southwest,
1035 southeast, and north sides than on the northwest, northeast,
1035 and south sides. A trail leads north.
1036 You are on the north lip of a large bowl, about 100 meters
1036 in diameter. The surface of the bowl appears to be made of
1036 perfectly polished glass. The lip is lower on the southwest,
1036 southeast, and north sides than on the northwest, northeast,
1036 and south sides.
1037 You are on the northwest lip of a large bowl, about 100 meters
1037 in diameter. The surface of the bowl appears to be made of
1037 perfectly polished glass. The lip is lower on the southwest,
1037 southeast, and north sides than on the northwest, northeast,
1037 and south sides.
1038 You are sitting in the bottom of the bowl.
1039 The trail turns here from south to west.
1040 This area appears to some sort of trash dump. All sorts of
1040 garbage lies in piles. Strangely enough, all of it, like
1040 everything else in this Mars-like section of the valley is made
1040 of metal or ceramic. A road leads northwest and a trail goes
1040 east.
1041 The road bends here, going southeast and southwest around a
1041 small hill to the south.
1041 There is a shallow ramp leading down into a deep depression.
1041 At the bottom of the depression is a metal door. The door has
1041 no visible locking mechanism.
1042 You are inside a small building. There are small ceramic
1042 stool-like objects scattered about. One of them, in the center
1042 of the room, has a small metal knob in the center. Scratched
1042 on the walls are decorations, of a rather abstract and
1042 unintelligible design. The only exit is north.
1043 Roads go east, west and northeast from here. All around are
1043 small igloo-like buildings, with holes in their fronts much too
1043 small for you to enter. Like in all of this section of the
1043 valley, absolutely nothing grows here.
1044 Roads go south, southwest, and northeast while a trail goes
1044 northwest. To the south and west are small igloo-like buildings,
1044 with holes in their fronts much too small for you to enter. They
1044 are made of a reddish stucco-like material of the same red color
1044 as the sand all around.
1045 A main road goes north and south, a smaller branch going west.
1045 To the north and west are bunches of small humped structures.
1046 A trail leads north and southwest.
1047 A road leads east and northwest. A trail leads south into some
1047 red sand-dunes. There is a large building to the north side of
1047 the road.
1048 You are at the base of a tall metal tower. All around are metal
1048 mirrors on pivoted bases. The tower is made of a lattice-work
1048 construction which you could easily climb -- if you could get
1048 up to the first crosspiece, which is just above your reach. A
1048 road goes southeast.
1049 You are at the top of the tower. Set into some sort of
1049 electrical system are six huge diamonds -- they are maybe 25
1049 centimeters across. It appears to be some sort of solar energy
1049 conversion system.
1050 You are inside the boundary of reddish area visible at the top
1050 of the pass. To the southeast is red sand, to the north, visible
1050 through a shimmering boundary of disturbed air, is a field of
1050 flowers.
1051 You are inside a large building. There is no lighting in the
1051 room; however on the walls are numerous flashing lights, colored
1051 bars that waver at the ends, and other odd objects. Technology
1051 unlike Earth's is represented in several machines sitting on
1051 the ground. It appears to be the life support apparatus for
1051 this section of the valley. A soft hum permeates the air.
1051 The only exit is south.
1052 You are on a shelf about halfway up the wall. It continues to
1052 the east and west.
1053 The east end of the shelf becomes too narrow to follow.
1054 The west end of the shelf shows evidence of primitive fossils.
1054 It might be possible to continue up from here.
1055 You are on a small precarious ledge. In the slate-like rock
1055 are impressions of small trilobite-like creatures, but nothing
1055 collectible. The climbing isn't getting any easier.
1056 You are under a large overhang. Some fairly nice fossils peek
1056 out of the rocks.
1057 A stream flows out of a ravine to the east, then turns south
1057 into a broader valley. A trail goes northwest.
1058 The trail goes northwest-southeast along a small ridge.
1058 A branch goes down.
1059 Along a northeast-southwest trail are tall trees which appear to
1059 be evenly spaced, as if planted.
1060 You are in a large circular open space, covered with a sweeping
1060 arch of tree branches. A broad trail leads northeast while in
1060 the south end is a small stone structure.
1061 At the south end of a large open space is a stone platform.
1061 In the center of the platform is a stone cube, standing on one
1061 corner. On the top north face is an inscription.
1062 You are at the edge of the forest. To the west, separated from
1062 you by a shimmering barrier of air, is a region of incredible
1062 strangeness. Through air which appears to be a bright
1062 yellow-green color appear strange metallic crystal formations,
1062 like a surrealist impression of trees. In the midst of these
1062 occasionally appear moving objects, like small flexible, black
1062 metal disks with orange bulbs in the center. They float through
1062 the "air" to no obvious purpose. To the north, across a wide
1062 area of open land, is jungle. A barrier of disturbed air blocks
1062 the way north. A trail leads south.
1063 You are on a north-south trail in an open field to the north of
1063 a shimmering barrier of air. The trail leads north into a
1063 jungle.
1064 You are on a very muddy path in a tropical rain forest.
1065 You are on a clear path through a verdant green tropical jungle.
1065 Elegant red birds fly among the branches. There are giant trees
1065 growing up into a thick overhead canopy. One tree has a smooth
1065 pliable rubberlike bark, easily climbable.
1066 You are half way up the trunk of a rubber tree.
1067 You are on a north-south path through the jungle. The voices of
1067 many frogs fill the air.
1068 You are in an open field to the west of a large glassed-in
1068 greenhouse. Good trails go north, south and east. The trail to
1068 the west passes through a familiar air-barrier into a
1068 nightmarish yellow-green landscape.
1069 You are on a small hill. On the top of the hill is a large
1069 parabolic microwave dish antenna. A path goes south and east.
1070 You are at the north end of the main aisle of a large
1070 greenhouse. Benches line both sides of the aisle. Open-arch
1070 doorways lead north, and east. A ramp leads west.
1071 You are in the center of a large glass greenhouse. All around
1071 are benches covered with potted plants. Aisles lead north,
1071 south, and west. A steep ramp leads east.
1072 You are at the south end of the main aisle of a large
1072 greenhouse. To the sides are benches with plants. To the south
1072 is the top of a stairwell.
1073 You are in a vegetable garden. A path goes east and west.
1074 You are in a fruit garden. A path goes south.
1075 You are at the top of a spiral walkway around the outside of a
1075 large circular aviary. A catwalk leads east to the center of the
1075 glass roof.
1076 You are at the top of the roof of the aviary, on a flimsy
1076 catwalk. A stout pole from the ground supports the roof.
1076 A dangerous-looking catwalk leads west.
1077 You are halfway up a spiral walkway around the periphery of the
1077 aviary. About level with you on the central pole is a small
1077 platform.
1078 You are at the entrance to a giant glass-enclosed circular
1078 aviary. Dozens of beautiful birds fly from branch to branch of
1078 several trees which grow inside. Others cling to the pole
1078 which helps support the roof. An aisle leads east and west.
1078 A beautifully ornate wrought-iron walkway spirals up.
1079 You are in the center of the aviary. A large pole here helps
1079 support the roof. An aisle leads west.
1080 You are half way up the support pole, beside a small platform.
1081 You are in an open field east of a large greenhouse. Trails
1081 lead east, west and north.
1082 You are in a large field filled with trees like large smooth
1082 cacti two meters tall. There is something very odd about this
1082 place. You feel as if you are being watched by many unseen eyes
1082 -- although perhaps "felt" or "probed" would be a better
1082 description than "watched". As you look around you catch
1082 glimpses of moving shadows out of the corner of your eye.
1082 A trail leads south. To the north, up a steep incline of scree
1082 or gravel, lies a dark hole in the rock wall.
1083 You are at the top of a stairwell. To the north is an aisle
1083 between the benches of a large glass greenhouse.
1084 You are on the central landing of a staircase. A archway
1084 eastward into a field of flowers.
1085 You are at the bottom of a stairway. To the south through a
1085 glass door lies the north-south hallway of a modern building.
1086 You are in the center of a large field of sunflowers.
1086 They are about 2 meters tall, and the flowers themselves are
1086 30 centimeters across. The whole plant has a strange metallic
1086 sheen. The leaves are green, the petals scarlet, and the seeds,
1086 which grow in all sizes at the center of the flower, are black.
1086 Trails lead north and west. To the south, through a shimmering
1086 barrier of air, is an area of reddish rock.
1087 You are outside of a small ramshackle toolshed. In front of the
1087 shed are several beehives. Bees swarm all around you.
1088 You are inside a decrepit toolshed. To the south is a large
1088 beehive surrounded by lots of bees.
1089 To the west is an open field. To the east is a familiar barrier
1089 of disturbed air.
1090 The robot is at a branch point in the trail. Passable areas
1090 extend to the north, south, and east.
1091 The robot is at the edge of a flow of fuming acid. Trails lead
1091 south and west.
1092 The robot is in the midst of a strange metallic village.
1092 Shrubs made of silicon, germanium, arsenic and boron fill the
1092 landscape. Strange flying discs, made of a shiny metallic
1092 material dart from place to place going about some unknown task.
1092 A trail goes east and southwest.
1093 Beside a trail leading northeast and southeast lie vents
1093 emitting green and red vapors.
1094 To the side of the trail beside the robot lies a pit leading
1094 down into the fiery interior of the planet. The glow from the
1094 heated material almost blinds the robot's sensors.
1094 The trail goes east and northwest.
1095 The robot stands in an area of sulfurous mud. The muddy ooze
1095 grows into great bubbles, which break with a resounding "pop",
1095 leaving clouds of noxious particles covering the poor robot.
1095 Trails go west and north.
1096 You are precariously perched on a small ledge over an
1096 apparently bottomless pit. Going up is impossible. Going down
1096 looks easy (but dangerous!). You might be able to jump into a
1096 tunnel leading east.
1097 You are at the bottom of the Bottomless Pit.
1098 You are at the back of a dark cave. To the west is a glimmer
1098 of light. To the north a well-lighted hallway is visible through
1098 a ventilation louver. To the southeast a tunnel leads down into
1098 darkness.
1099 You are in a spacious room illuminated by the glowing eyes of
1099 several multi-armed ferret-like beings. The ferrets, small
1099 fur-covered creatures, are all busily engaged in work at making
1099 small ferretlike statues out of clay. Some mold the clay into
1099 shape, others tend to curing ovens, while yet others paint the
1099 products with fluorescent paint. The finished products, which
1099 appear to be some sort of icon, are stacked in a corner.
1100 A large cavern is inhabited by a ferret with fluorescent eyes,
1100 who is engaged in painting intricate designs on the walls.
1100 Some depict domestic scenes, such as a ferret family at their
1100 dinner devouring assorted living bugs and worms, while others
1100 depict ferrets at war, ferrets hunting worms, ferrets paired in
1100 (apparently) conjugal bliss, etc.
1101 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1102 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1103 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1104 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1105 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1106 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1107 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1108 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1109 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1110 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1111 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1112 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1113 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1114 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1115 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1116 You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
1117 You are in a dark tunnel. Exits lead northwest, east and north.
1118 You are in a straight north-south passage. Along the walls are
1118 well tended cultures of mushrooms.
1119 You are in a round tunnel. Exits lead in all directions.
1120 You are in a passage curving from south to east. A crooked hole
1120 leads down.
1121 You are in a smelly very wet cave. A passage leads down, and
1121 another one leads up.
1122 You are at the edge of an underground pool. The water is
1122 remarkably clear. Stalactites cover the roof.
1122 A passage leads west.
1123 You are swimming at the bottom of the pool. There are passages
1123 leading in all directions. Water appears to be flowing into the
1123 pool from those to the south and southwest, and flowing
1123 out to the southeast. Something glittering catches your eye.
1124 This seems to be a dead end. You can just get your head above
1124 the water.
1125 This seems to be a dead end. You can just get your head out of
1125 the water.
1126 You are in a very tight squeeze above a pool of water.
1126 Passages lead northeast, up and down.
1127 This seems to be a dead end.
1128 You escape the water into a veritable gold mine. The glint of
1128 the precious metal is seen everywhere. Exits lead up and down.
1129 You are in a damp crawlway. Exits are southwest and up.
1130 You are in a large hall. This area seems to be inhabited.
1130 The floor is marked by the passage of what appears to have
1130 been the passage of innumerable small feet. Exits are to the
1130 north, west, southeast and northeast.
1131 You seem to have interrupted a ferret family at home. Papa
1131 ferret, mama ferret, and several little ferrets are each sitting
1131 in their own comfy nest watching television. In fact they seem
1131 to be watching the station your own mother ship broadcasts
1131 (apparently utterly oblivious to a total lack of sound)!
1132 You are in the ferret's nursery. There are various children's
1132 blocks, board games, etc., scattered about. The centerpiece,
1132 however, is a large doll house sitting in the center of the
1132 room. There don't seem to be any dolls in it however.
1133 You are in an east-west hallway. A door leads south.
1134 You are in a small metal chamber. On the wall are a violet
1134 button, an orange button, a blue button, and a white button.
1134 Below the buttons is a round recess, about 3 centimeters in
1134 diameter and one centimeter deep with small gold springy
1134 fingers at the sides.
1135 This is the east end of a hallway. A stout metal door with a
1135 small keyhole leads east.
1136 This is the north end of a long hallway, brightly illuminated.
1136 To the north through a door is a stairway, to the south lies a
1136 long hall.
1137 This is part of a long hallway. A door marked "xsvnrxzoh" leads
1137 east and one marked "wzipilln" leads west.
1138 This is part of a long hallway. A door marked with the un-
1138 mistakable image of in integrated circuit leads east, while to
1138 the west lies an unmarked door.
1139 A long hallway leads north and south. A smaller one goes east.
1140 This is part of a long hallway. A door marked in ornate letters
1140 "WRIVXGLI" leads west, while a door marked "hglirtv" lies to the
1140 east.
1141 This is part of a long hallway. A door lettered "xlmgilo" leads
1141 west, while to the east is a door marked with the images of a
1141 hammer and a wrench.
1142 You are at the south end of a long, clean, well-illuminated
1142 hallway. To the north are several side doors. To the south is
1142 a louver for ventilation.
1143 You are in a photographic darkroom. To one side of the room is
1143 a long bench. On the left side of the bench is a large plastic
1143 plastic rack with vertical slots for holding sheets of film.
1143 On the right side a small tray is molded in the stainless steel
1143 surface. Between the rack and the tray is the flat base of an
1143 enlarger. The enlarger itself is unusable, as it lacks a lens.
1143 On the other side of the room is a large heavy metal sink, with
1143 water from a leaky faucet flowing through it.
1143 In the center of the room is a large rectangular machine.
1143 At the left end of the machine is a long opening just the size
1143 to accept a film cassette. At the right end is a hopper.
1143 On the top of the machine are three funnel shaped holes.
1143 The left and right ones are marked to indicate that they should
1143 be filled with some sort of processing chemical, while below
1143 the central one is a liquid level indicator. The front of the
1143 machine has a red light, a green light, and a red button.
1143 The lights in the room are a deep red color.
1144 This is some sort of a library. Although a few of the books are
1144 text, written in a strange language, most of the ones
1144 prominently displayed on the several tables are mainly
1144 pictorial. Each one seems to be a description of some other
1144 planet, as each is totally different. Although you see none of
1144 Earth, you do recognize Jupiter, as well as a couple which look
1144 remarkably like other parts of this valley.
1145 You are in a luxurious office. The walls are paneled with
1145 polished hardwood. The furniture is totally unsuited to the
1145 human form. Odd abstract paintings cover the walls. In the
1145 center of the room is a desk, piled high with papers.
1146 You are in a large control room. On the walls are many dials,
1146 gauges, and numeric readouts, all incomprehensible. On one wall
1146 is a triangular button, a square button, a round button, and a
1146 hexagonal button. Below them are a slot and a video screen.
1147 This appears to be a storeroom for chemicals. Shelves with jars
1147 on them (mostly empty) line the walls.
1148 This appears to be a storage area for spare electronic parts.
1148 Large bins of resistors, capacitors, etc. line the walls.
1149 This room, similar in size and appointments to the other storage
1149 rooms nearby, appears to be used for old junk. There are empty
1149 boxes, junked apparatus, etc., everywhere.
1149 You hear the faint patter of tiny rodent feet.
1150 You are in the tool room.
1151 You are at the top of a steep scree slope. To the north is a
1151 deep hole, the entrance to an old mine.
1152 You are at the top of an old mine shaft. The way down is blocked
1152 by a cave-in, but scattered around are lots of old tailings.
1152 The exit is to the south.
1153 You are in the teleportation booth. A ramp leads down.
1154 You are in the center of a vast square room. Far overhead
1154 through a glass roof supported by myriads of crossing girders
1154 can be seen several brilliant star-clouds. The room is lit by
1154 the familiar garish blue light of mercury lamps. The air is cool
1154 and humid and perhaps a bit too rich in oxygen. Slightly above
1154 you at the end of a short ramp is a round metal teleportation
1154 booth. Eight exits are visible at the corners of the room and
1154 at the centers of the walls. The room is empty, although signs
1154 of recent occupation by hordes of people seem to have escaped
1154 the efforts of a robot floor-sweeper visible in the distance.
1155 You are at the north end of the great hall. A hallway leads
1155 north.
1156 You are in a small niche in the northeast corner of the hall.
1157 You are at the east end of the great hall. A corridor leads
1157 east. Beside the door is a graphic sign which seems to
1157 imply "No Entrance".
1158 You are in a small niche in the southeast corner of the hall.
1159 You are at the south end of the great hall. A hallway leads
1159 south. Beside the door is a graphic sign which seems to
1159 imply "No Entrance".
1160 You are in a small niche in the southwest corner of the hall.
1161 You are at the west end of the great hall. A hallway leads
1161 west.
1162 You are in a small niche in the northwest corner of the hall.
1163 You are in a featureless hallway curving from south to west.
1164 You are in a featureless hallway curving from north to east.
1165 You are in a sizable room with corridors leading to the
1165 south and east. To the northwest is a large orange door,
1165 apparently some sort of airtight bulkhead, with a large
1165 keypad with numbers from 1 to 30. To the sides of the room
1165 are large windows through which stars can be seen in all
1165 directions, including down. This is obviously some sort of
1165 space station.
1166 You are in a large space ship, round in shape with several
1166 hundred seats (none designed for the human rump). To the
1166 side of the entrance is a control panel containing numerous
1166 dials and indicators, all totally beyond your comprehension.
1166 There are two clips in the panel, one glowing orange and one
1166 glowing violet.
1166 An orange door leads "southwest". An inner cover for the
1166 airlock is off to the side. It appears to be automated.
1167 You are in a long hallway leading east and west. An open
1167 door leads south.
1168 You are in a large room with many large glass windows.
1168 Through the windows can be seen in all directions a star
1168 filled sky. Behind you, interrupting the view of space, is
1168 the huge bulk of the space station.
1169 You are in an office. Halls lead north and east. Sitting in
1169 a row near the west wall are several file cabinets.
1170 You are in a short secret corridor with a door leading
1170 north into an office. A hidden panel in the west wall has
1170 opened to allow access to an airlock.
1171 You are in the administrative hallway of the space station.
1171 Standing around looking sullen are numerous uniformed (and
1171 armed) reptilian creatures. You came from the west, while
1171 numerous doors lead off the hall in other directions.
1172 You are in a featureless hallway leading north and south.
1173 You are outside a pink bulkhead door. In the door heading
1173 south is a keypad with numbers from 1 to 99. A corridor
1173 leads north.
1174 You are in a small airlock with a pink door to the north
1174 and a blue one to the south. An opening in the east wall
1174 leads into a secret corridor.
1175 You are in a small space ship. A door leads "north". Two
1175 seats are placed before a viewing window, through which are
1175 visible several gigantic star clouds. A control panel
1175 has indicators, a grille, and one clip which emits a blue
1175 glow and one which is yellow. Mounted on the panel and
1175 pointing out the window is a telescope.
1176 Your ship is now in orbit above a huge gas giant planet,
1176 somewhat akin to Saturn. Beautiful rings surround a sea
1176 of swirling orange and pink clouds.
1177 You are orbiting a planet which somewhat similar to Earth,
1177 except that it is less than 1 percent land.
1178 You are now orbiting a planet of about Earth-size but
1178 certainly not Earthly character. It looks totally arid,
1178 with a dense greenish atmosphere.
1179 You are now orbiting a generally Earth-like planet.
1180 You are in a close orbit about a small planet with a weak
1180 atmosphere and dark sandy-red surface.
1181 Your ship has landed on the planet Cygnus, on one of the
1181 many islands that make up its tiny land mass. The view out
1181 the window is rather murky due to clouds drifting in from
1181 the ocean. The exit to your ship is north.
1182 The view is a bit better outside the ship. This is a planet
1182 of verdant green vegetation, some of it growing on the wet
1182 surface of the island, but mostly growing as floating
1182 islands on the surface of the sea. There are masses of sea
1182 weed, giant lily pads with bit pink flowers, and even
1182 treelike structures held erect by large gas-filled bladders.
1182 To the north can be seen some creatures standing by the
1182 edge of the cleared landing area.
1183 You are at the edge of the clearing, at the shore of the sea.
1183 Standing around are several large crabs. I believe you may
1183 have seen some of them earlier, back at Test Site #6. Your
1183 ship is to the south.
1184 Your space ship is sitting on a planet remarkably like
1184 Mars, except that the sun is a bit redder. The ship's door
1184 faces north.
1185 You are on the ground outside your ship. A large stone
1185 building lies to the north.
1186 You are in a very dimly lit building with many electrical
1186 devices with flashing lights. Before most of the stations
1186 sits one of those electrical balls seen in the "Martian"
1186 section of Test site #6. They seem to be busy at very
1186 obscure tasks.
1187 Your ship is now landed on Deneb. The view is astoundingly
1187 Earthlike, even moreso than Test Site #6. You see out the
1187 window a clearing in a dense forest with tall majestic
1187 trees stretching out into the far distance where the
1187 forest rises up into ice-capped mountains. The door of
1187 your ship faces north.
1188 You are standing by the ship on Deneb. The air is cool
1188 and dry, with sweet fragrances wafting from the forest.
1188 To the north of the landing area is a building.
1189 You are in the entryway of a large, almost palatial, house.
1189 Directly ahead can be seen a large room, opulently
1189 furnished in a style seemingly suited more to creatures
1189 with eight legs than to humans. However, to the left (west)
1189 is smaller room, smelling of fresh paint and looking quite
1189 new, with Earthlike furnishings. A door leads south.
1190 You are in a bright, cheery room with fitting suitable for
1190 the summer house of some rich family. The exit is east.
2001 Steep trail
2002 Near top of the pass
2003 Top of the pass
2004 Branch in the trail
2005 East shore of the lake
2006 Gravel beach
2007 Forest
2008 Forest
2009 Forest
2010 Forest
2011 Forest
2012 Base of the spire
2013 Halfway up the spire
2014 Top of the spire
2015 Sandy beach
2016 Swimming at the coral beds
2017 North end of the lake
2018 Vein of minerals
2019 Southwest of a chasm
2020 Step-like rock strata
2021 Northeast of the chasm
2022 Bottom of a chasm
2023 Fern-filled ravine
2024 Beautiful waterfall
2025 Behind some horsetails
2026 Southwest of the Mars-like area
2027 Red rocks
2028 Red hill
2029 West of a deep bowl
2030 North of a small building
2031 Southwest of a deep bowl
2032 Southwest lip of the bowl
2033 South lip of the bowl
2034 Southeast lip of the bowl
2035 Northeast lip of the bowl
2036 North lip of the bowl
2037 Northwest lip of the bowl
2038 Center of the bowl
2039 South to west trail
2040 Dump
2041 Door leading into the ground
2042 Inside a small building
2043 West edge of town
2044 East edge of town
2045 South of town
2046 North-southwest trail
2047 South of a large building
2048 Bottom of a tower
2049 Top of the tower
2050 South of the Mars-jungle boundary
2051 Inside large Martian building
2052 Center of a ledge
2053 East end of the ledge
2054 West end of the ledge
2055 Precarious position
2056 Under an overhang
2057 West end of a ravine
2058 Northwest-southeast ridge
2059 Northeast-southwest path
2060 Leaf covered clearing
2061 Stone monument
2062 Forest, jungle, and green-air junction
2063 Open field
2064 Muddy jungle
2065 Jungle with rubbery trees
2066 Up a rubber tree
2067 Jungle path
2068 West of greenhouse
2069 Antenna site
2070 Greenhouse north
2071 Greenhouse center
2072 Greenhouse south
2073 Vegetable garden
2074 Fruit garden
2075 Top of spiral ramp
2076 Center of aviary roof
2077 Half way up ramp
2078 Aviary entrance
2079 Aviary center
2080 Half way up pole
2081 East of greenhouse
2082 Cacti
2083 Staircase top
2084 Staircase middle
2085 Staircase bottom
2086 Field of flowers
2087 Beehives
2088 Toolshed
2089 West of barrier
2090 (90 to 95 are never reached)
2096 Bottomless pit
2097 Bottom of pit
2098 Back of cave
2099 Sculptors' studio
2100 Artist's cavern
2101 Maze
2102 Maze
2103 Maze
2104 Maze
2105 Maze
2106 Maze
2107 Maze
2108 Maze
2109 Maze
2110 Maze
2111 Maze
2112 Maze
2113 Maze
2114 Maze
2115 Maze
2116 Maze
2117 Dark tunnel
2118 Mushroom farm
2119 Round tunnel
2120 Curving passage
2121 Wet cave
2122 Underground pool
2123 Underwater
2124 Dead end
2125 Dead end
2126 Tight squeeze
2127 Dead end
2128 Gold mine
2129 Damp crawlway
2130 Large hall
2131 Ferret home
2132 Ferret nursery
2133 East-west hall
2134 Metal chamber
2135 East end of hall
2136 North end of hall
2137 Hall
2138 Hall
2139 Hall junction
2140 Hall
2141 Hall
2142 South end of hall
2143 Darkroom
2144 Library
2145 Office
2146 Control room
2147 Chemical storage
2148 Electronic storage
2149 Storage room
2150 Tool room
2151 Mine Entrance
2152 Top of mine shaft
2153 Teleportation booth
2154 Center of great hall
2155 North wall of hall
2156 Northeast corner of hall
2157 East wall of hall
2158 Southeast corner of hall
2159 South wall of hall
2160 Southwest corner of hall
2161 West wall of hall
2162 Northwest corner of hall
2163 Hallway
2164 Hallway
2165 Large anteroom
2166 Giant ship
2167 Hallway
2168 Viewing room
2169 Outer office
2170 Secret corridor
2171 Office complex
2172 Hallway
2173 Airlock door
2174 Airlock
2175 Small ship in dock
2176 Orbiting Altair
2177 Orbiting Cygnus
2178 Orbiting Vega
2179 Orbiting Deneb
2180 Orbiting Auriga
2181 In ship on Cygnus
2182 Cygnan landing site
2183 Cygnan sea-shore
2184 In ship on Auriga
2185 Aurigan landing site
2186 Aurigan control center
2187 In ship on Deneb
2188 Deneb landing platform
2189 Doorway
2190 Sitting room
3001 Chrome key
4001 Dangling from the nest on a red string is a chrome key.
4002 There is a chrome key on a string here.
3002 Blue sapphire
4001 At the end of one vein is a huge blue sapphire!
4002 There is a huge blue sapphire here.
3003 Colorful fish
4001 Swimming blissfully around, eating the tiny polyps, is a large
4001 particularly colorful fish.
4002 There is a colorful fish here.
4003 It is a very colorful fish indeed, with long fins and a long
4003 snout, suitable for eating the tiny polyps. The zoologists at
4003 your camp might like to examine it.
3004 Dead fish
4001 There is a smelly dead fish here.
4002 It is now dead and beginning to decompose. You shouldn't have
4002 kept it out of the water so long.
3005 Knapsack
4001 There is a knapsack here.
4002 It is a large red canvas backpack, with lots of room and many
4002 pockets. You could easily carry many kilograms in it.
4003 The knapsack is empty.
4004 The knapsack contains:
3006 Red shirt
4001 Lying on the ground is a red shirt.
3007 Green shirt
4001 There is a dark green shirt here.
3008 Pair of heavy boots
4001 There is a pair of heavy boots here.
4002 They are for heavy duty hiking.
3009 Canvas shoes
4001 There is a pair of light canvas shoes here.
4002 They are for rock climbing.
3010 Blue pants
4001 Lying on the ground is a pair of dark blue pants.
3011 Tan pants
4001 There is a pair of light tan pants here.
3012 Butterfly net
4001 There is a butterfly net here.
4002 The net is empty.
4003 The net contains:
3013 Plastic tube
4001 There is something which looks like a tube of toothpaste here.
4002 The label says: "Berry's Bug Dope"
4002 Repels blackflies, bees, gnats and chiggers. Not for use
4002 against worms or sharks. Ingredients: DEET (C12H17NO)
4002 23%, active ingredient. Inert ingredients:
4002 Alcohol (C2H6O) 76%, perfume 1%.
4002 The tube is empty.
3014 Instant camera
4001 There is an instant-picture camera here.
4002 It is a space-patrol issue picture-in-a-minute camera, model
4002 AN/MQ 30045-9812-773R. It's so automatic that all you have to do
4002 is say "shoot" and it will take a picture of the most
4002 interesting object around. This little beauty cost the Patrol
4002 $6,345,003.00.
4002 (Just between you and me, it's a Polaroid Snapshooter
4002 worth $49.95.)
3015 Plastic bag
4001 There is a plastic bag here.
4002 It is a collecting bag, for preserving living specimens. It is
4002 watertight but can "breathe" so living animals can be carried
4002 in it.
4003 The plastic bag is empty.
4004 The plastic bag contains:
4005 The bag is full of water.
4006 The water-filled bag contains:
3016 Crablike fossil
4001 Sticking out of the rocks is a huge crablike fossil!
4002 There is a large fossil here.
3017 Photograph of tiny pterodactyls
4001 There is a photograph of some tiny pterodactyls here.
4002 There's nothing particularly interesting about the small
4002 critters themselves (except to see how sharp their teeth are),
4002 but, behind the horsetails seems to be a cave!
3018 Photograph of Martians
4001 There is a photograph of some "Martians" here.
4002 It's a photo of those odd energy creatures. The scene is what
4002 must be a bar. One of them is getting a "charge" from an odd
4002 electrical device.
4003 The photo is of those odd electrical "Martians" playing their
4003 variant of hockey.
3019 Huge diamond
4001 One of the diamonds is loose.
4002 There is a huge diamond here.
3020 Hockey puck
4001 Lying on the ground is a hockey puck.
4002 It look like an ordinary hockey puck, about 10 centimeters in
4002 diameter. Hmmmmmmmmmmm... It seems, however, to be metallic
4002 rather than the usual plastic. It is bright and silvery.
4002 Closer scrutiny shows that it is SOLID PLATINUM!
3021 Red boulder
4001 Lying on the ground is barely liftable boulder.
3022 Green moss
4001 Lying on the ground is a large piece of soft green moss.
4002 Moss is moss is moss. It's a beautiful dark green and very
4002 soft and squishy.
3023 Glass plate
4001 A large piece of glass is lying on the ground.
4002 It's a plate of glass, about 80 centimeters in diameter, and one
4002 centimeter thick, apparently cut out of a larger piece by some
4002 inept glasscutter. It's very sturdy.
3024 Piece of wire
4001 Lying on the ground is a long piece of wire.
4002 It's very heavily insulated, except for the very ends,
4002 which are stripped clean.
4003 The wire is attached to the tower.
4004 The wire is tied to the knob in the stool.
3025 Glowing sphere
4001 Lying on the ground is a glowing sphere.
4002 The sphere is about ten centimeters in diameter. It is hollow,
4002 with rather thick walls. Inside is a smaller sphere, about one
4002 centimeter in diameter. The glow seems to emanate from the
4002 whole inner wall it, but is brighter near where the small sphere
4002 rests. It is extremely heavy for its size.
3026 Gooey latex
4001 Flowing from the bark of the tree is a large quantity of gooey
4001 latex. It flows down the tree making a rubbery coating. If you
4001 had a bucket you could collect a large quantity.
4002 There is a puddle of congealed latex here.
4003 A sticky layer of rubber covers the pole.
4004 It is a mildly viscous, very sticky liquid, with a faint
4004 turpentine-like odor. If spread in a thin layer on something
4004 it soon congeals into a smooth, pliable, and only faintly sticky
4004 coating.
4005 It seems to have congealed into a solid mass.
3027 Damaged cable
4001 There is a damaged microwave cable here.
4002 It is a green cable about one meter long with connectors on each
4002 end. The middle has been chewed almost through by a rodent.
3028 Good cable
4001 There is a good microwave cable here.
4002 It is a green cable about one meter long with connectors on
4002 each end. It is in good condition.
3029 Beautiful orchid
4001 Sitting on the bench is a potted orchid.
4002 There is a beautiful orchid here.
4003 It is violet, white and magenta, about 20 cm across, and a
4003 striking example of the evolutionary similarity of this planet
4003 and the earth.
3030 Venus flytrap
4001 Sitting on the bench is a potted Venus flytrap plant.
4002 There is a Venus flytrap here.
4003 It is green and nasty. It is obviously carnivorous, although
4003 the resemblance to it's earthly namesake is tenuous.
3031 Large cassette
4001 Lying on the ground is a large cassette for film.
4002 It is about 30 centimeters square and 1 cm thick. An indicator
4002 shows that it is properly loaded with film.
3032 Overexposed photograph
4001 There is an overexposed photograph here.
4002 Something, probably radioactive, has caused this photo to be
4002 so overexposed as to be unusable.
3033 Tomato
4001 There is a tomato here.
4002 It looks like a delicious red tomato.
3034 Lettuce
4001 There is a head of lettuce here.
4002 Lettuce is lettuce. It is not very nutritious.
3035 Cabbage
4001 There is a head of cabbage here.
4002 Cabbage is cabbage.
3036 Strawberry
4001 There is a giant strawberry here.
4002 It is 10 centimeters across and red, like a strawberry.
3037 Grapes
4001 A large bunch of grapes grows on a vine here.
4002 The is a bunch of grapes here.
4003 They are green and look good enough to eat.
3038 Sunflower seed
4001 Growing on one of the plants is a full-grown seed.
4002 There is a large sunflower seed here.
4003 It is a black seed with a metallic sheen, about 10 cm across.
4003 It is shaped like a large peach pit, with deep grooves in the
4003 sides.
3039 Bucket
4001 There is a bucket here.
4002 The bucket is full of water.
4003 The bucket is empty
4004 The bucket contains:
3040 Pitchfork
4001 There is a pitchfork here.
3041 Shovel
4001 There is a shovel here.
3042 Robot
4001 There is a robot here.
4002 There is a slightly corroded robot here.
4003 The robot is about one and a half meters tall. It is almost
4003 spherical, sitting on four lightly sprung wheels. On top is
4003 what looks like a car antenna. Beneath that is a rotating TV
4003 camera. It has two arms, one of which is a rather delicate-
4003 looking clasping device. The other is a swivel-mounted hose
4003 arrangement obviously designed for it's primary purpose of
4003 watering plants. In the control section beneath the TV eye are
4003 a microphone and a speaker.
4004 The robot is empty-handed.
4005 The robot holds:
3043 Statue
4001 There is a small statue here
4002 It is a carving of a ferret. The ferret is holding a small star.
4002 It must be some sort of religious object.
3044 Mushroom
4001 There is a huge mushroom here.
3045 Gold nugget
4001 Lying on the ground is a large nugget of gold.
3046 Photograph of wall paintings.
4001 There is a photograph of some wall paintings here.
4002 You recognize the paintings made be the ferret-artist.
3047 Photograph of ferret family
4001 There is a photo of some ferrets here.
4002 It is a typical boring family photo, not some artistic wonder.
4002 What more did you expect?
3048 Black cat
4001 Sitting on the platform is a very unhappy black cat.
4002 There is a large black cat purring contentedly here.
3049 Container of DEET
4001 There is a supply of DEET here.
4002 It is a slightly viscous, colorless, slightly sweet liquid.
3050 Container of nvglo
4001 There is a supply of nvglo here.
4002 It is a pale pink powder. It's dust makes you sneeze.
3051 Container of sbkl
4001 There is a supply of sbkl here.
4002 It consists of large white crystals.
3052 "Terran" cartridge
4001 There is a plug-in cartridge marked "Gviizm-Terran" here.
4002 It looks like it would plug into a computer.
3053 Knife
4001 There is a knife here.
3054 Hammer
4001 There is a hammer here.
3055 Screwdriver
4001 There is a screwdriver here.
3056 "Cygnan" cartridge
4001 There is a plug-in cartridge marked "Xbtmzm-Cygnan" here.
4002 It looks like it would plug into a computer.
3057 Glowing bead
4001 There is a glowing glass bead here.
4002 It is about a centimeter in diameter, glowing brightly
4002 and quite hot.
3058 Silicon "Insect"
4001 Basking in the heat of the fire is a tiny silicon insect.
4002 There is a tiny silicon insect here.
4003 It looks like a small metallic grasshopper. The body is made
4003 of a gray semi-metallic substance which looks like silicon.
4003 The wings are a transparent red, as if made of some zinc or
4003 arsenic mineral. The eyes are bright iridescent blue-green.
4003 The thing is obviously a bit cold away from the fiery pit,
4003 but not in severe distress. The whole effect is as if some piece
4003 of precious jewelry had come to life.
3059 Piece of Xray film
4001 There is a piece of used xray film here.
4002 The xray film contains no useful image.
4003 The xray film, though not well exposed, contains the image of a
4004 The xray film, though showing an image, is all jumbled up and
4004 unusable.
4005 The xray film appears to have been improperly processed.
4005 Perhaps you didn't get the chemicals in the proper places.
3060 Magnesium box
4001 There is a magnesium box here.
4002 It is a medium sized lock-box. The lock mechanism consists of
4002 a left dial and a right dial, each of which reads from 0 to 999.
4003 The box is empty.
4004 The box contains:
3061 Good disc
4001 There is a good silicon disc here.
4002 It is a round piece of silicon, with gold contact pads around
4002 the edge. It might be some sort of computer memory chip.
4002 However, due to the presence of some sort of plastic coating
4002 appearing in places on it, it clearly is not fully processed.
3062 Broken disc
4001 There is a broken silicon disc here.
4002 It is a round piece of silicon, with gold contact pads around
4002 the edge. It might be some sort of computer memory chip.
4002 It looks ready to use, except that a small piece is broken
4002 off of one corner.
3063 Violet crystal
4001 Lying on the ground is a beautiful large violet crystal.
4002 It is a large crystal, very light for its size, with a pale
4002 violet hue. It is probably spodumene, a mineral valuable for
4002 its content of lithium, which is used in your ship's drive.
3064 Chocolate egg
4001 Sitting in the doll house is a chocolate egg.
4002 There is a chocolate egg here.
3065 Silver coin
4001 There is a silver coin here.
4002 The coin has a likeness of a reptile on one side and the
4002 notation &100 on the other.
3066 Brass coin
4001 There is a brass coin here.
4002 It is marked &50.
3067 Nickel coin
4001 There is a nickel coin here.
4002 It is marked &25.
3068 Copper coin
4001 There is a copper coin here.
4002 It is marked &75.
3069 Platinum coin
4001 There is a platinum coin here.
4002 It is marked &300.
3070 Map
4001 There is a map here.
4002 The map is a star map, showing the coordinates of the stars in
4002 the vicinity. Some stars are described in script which you
4002 cannot read.
4003 This appears to be a souvenir map of the galaxy. Among prominent
4003 locations are the following:
4003 Location Right ascension Declination
4003 Altair 0556 2331
4003 Cygnus 2445 4293
4003 Vega 7552 2204
4003 Deneb 1105 6339
4003 Auriga 3111 3325
3071 Red ball
4001 There is a small red ball here.
3072 Newspaper
4001 There is a newspaper here.
4002 The writing is unintelligible.
4003 A banner at the top of the paper says "EXTRA".
4003 A subtitle says "Teleporter to Test Site #6 Reactivated".
4003 The gist of the article is that the teleportation link to
4003 the planet known as Test Site #6, which recently failed,
4003 causing district administrator Glathryx to arrive at the
4003 space station minus his third and fourth leg sets, and then
4003 became totally inoperative, has come back in operation.
4003 It seems that an intruder into the test site is suspected
4003 of causing these recent events. All persons are requested
4003 to be on the lookout for at strange alien, whose description
4003 more or less fits you.
3073 Yellow rod
4001 There is a yellow rod here.
3074 Written note
4001 There is a piece of paper with a note on it here.
4002 The note is unintelligible.
4003 The note is partly obliterated by coffee stains, but you can
4003 just make out
4003 Do it twice
4003 Door combinations ....
4003 Small ship 99 ?? ??
5001 Volcanic spire
4001 %%%%
4002 The spire, although steep, has many small rock flakes
4002 on which a person could stand if he had the right kind of shoes.
4003 Why not try to take a mountain. It's just as easy.
5002 Tiny pterodactyls
4001 They are rather cute but nasty creatures, with greenish-gray
4001 skin, venomous red eyes and long razorlike tails.
4002 That's not wise. They are vicious creatures and would bite you
4002 The bite of most animals here is fatal.
5003 Ceramic stool
4001 As you reach over to look at the stool, a spark jumps out from
4001 the knob in the center and shocks you.
4002 It's too heavy to lift.
5004 Metal knob
4001 As you get near the knob it gives you a painful but harmless
4001 electrical shock.
4002 The knob is permanently attached to its base, which is attached
4002 forever to the ground.
5005 Round window
4001 The window is about 1 meter in diameter, with plate glass.
4002 The window in the building seems to have been vandalized.
4003 The glass is quite permanently set in its frame.
5006 Round door
4001 In the front of the building is a round door which is closed.
4002 In the front of the building is a round door which is open.
4003 In the center of the door is a small metal dimple.
4004 It is attached to unreachable and unbreakable hinges.
5007 Tower
4002 Have you eaten a hallucinogenic drug?
5008 Metal dimple
4002 Silly!
5009 Stone cube
4001 The inscription on the monument reads:
4001 (translated into English)
4001 Site of first landing party
4001 Year 21007
4002 If you wish me to give you a hernia, please say so directly.
5010 Horsetails
4001 Horsetails are primitive plants, which live today on earth
4001 in wet cool forests. Today they are rather small, but
4001 millions of years ago there were ones several meters tall.
4001 On this planet the large ones are still common. Here they
4001 form a line to the sides of the waterfall, where the spray
4001 keeps them wet. The pterodactyls seem to live somewhere
4001 behind them.
4002 Horsetails are used only to scour pans, which you don't have.
5011 Metal door
4001 The door is closed.
4002 The door is open.
4003 Why would you wish to carry that around?
5012 Glass door
4001 The door is closed.
4002 The door is open.
4003 You can't take that. It's to big to get anywhere.
5013 Rabbit hole
4001 In the ground is a small hole, probably the entrance to a
4001 rabbit warren.
4002 In the ground is the gaping entrance of a bottomless pit.
4003 A hole is the absence of something. You can't take air.
5014 Louver
4001 Someone has ransacked the louver. A gaping hole remains.
4002 Why bother?
5015 Grape vines
4001 Growing here in great profusion are grape vines.
4002 There are some shriveled-up grape vines here.
4003 Useless. Useless.
5016 Slot
4001 The slot is empty.
4002 The slot contains:
4003 How can you take that, stupid?
5017 Square button
4001 Silly!
5018 Square button
4001 Not bloody likely.
5019 Round button
4001 Not until you reach Nirvana.
5020 Hexagonal button
4001 You take the little plastic cover off the button, but
4001 the underlying mechanism still works.
5021 Video screen
4001 The video screen is blank.
4002 The video screen shows the view taken by the robot's camera.
4003 It is permanently mounted on the wall.
5022 Sink
4001 The sink is empty.
4002 The sink contains:
5023 Microwave antenna
4001 The antenna is an ordinary satellite dish. It is 5 meters in
4001 diameter, white, and has a horn collector attached to the base
4001 by a cable. The cable seems to have been damaged.
4002 The antenna is an ordinary satellite dish. It is 5 meters in
4002 diameter, white, and has a horn collector attached to the base
4002 by a cable. The cable is in working order.
4003 The antenna is an ordinary satellite dish. The feed cable is
4003 missing.
4004 It weighs 4 tons!
5024 Enlarger
4001 Nothing is sitting on the enlarger base
4002 Sitting on the enlarger is:
4003 It is bolted to the wall.
5025 Rack
4001 It has vertical partitions suitable for holding things like film
4001 cassettes in a vertical position.
4002 The rack is empty.
4003 The rack contains:
4004 It is attached to the bench.
5026 Tray.
4001 The tray is empty.
4002 The tray contains:
4003 It is a molded part of the bench.
5027 Hopper
4001 The hopper is empty.
4002 The hopper contains:
4003 It can't me moved.
5028 Left funnel
4001 Silly!
5029 Middle funnel
4001 You must be suffering from a mind-scrambling drug.
5030 Right funnel
4001 That's useless.
5031 Red button
4001 It's part of a machine which is too heavy to move.
5032 Desk
4001 The desk is empty.
4002 The desk contains:
4003 It's too heavy to carry.
5033 Level indicator
4001 The level indicator shows too little water.
4002 The water level is just about right.
4003 Don't kid me!
5034 Red light
4001 The red light is on.
4002 The red light is off.
4003 The red light comes off in your hand. (Sorry, just kidding.)
5035 Green light
4001 The green light is off.
4002 The green light is on.
4003 You're getting tiring, trying to take immovable objects.
5036 Acid flow
4001 There is nothing sitting in the acid.
4002 Sitting in the acid is:
4003 The robot can't bend over far enough.
5037 Fiery pit
4001 Silly!
5038 Sulfurous mud
4001 The robot can't bend over to reach it.
5039 Violet button
4001 You can't take it.
5040 Orange button
4002 It is fixed in the wall.
5041 White button
4001 You remove it. A large Jack-in-the-box jumps out. You are so
4001 embarrassed that you carefully put the whole affair back.
5042 Blue button
4001 As you unscrew it, you notice that your nose falls off also.
4001 The switch it operated remains operational.
5043 Round recess
4001 The recess is empty.
4002 The recess contains:
4003 Take the air!
5044 Red vapor
4001 There is nothing near the red vapor.
4002 Surrounded by the red vapor is:
4003 The robot has no suitable container.
5045 Green vapor
4001 There is nothing in the green vapor.
4002 Sitting in the green vapor is:
4003 The robot has no suitable container.
5046 Frogs
4001 These are quite ordinary frogs. They are green, a bit slimy, and
4001 make a hollow krrooooookkking sound. If you could converse with
4001 them (which you can't), you would discover that their favorite
4001 topic of conversation is sex.
4002 Taken. ....... but
4002 After a few moments the frog emits a foul-smelling slimy liquid
4002 which runs down your arm and begins to itch. You drop the poor
4002 creature.
5047 Red birds
4001 They seem to be parrots.
4002 They fly amongst the highest branches of the trees, far above
4002 your reach.
5048 Beautiful birds
4001 There are dozens of birds of all colors and sizes here. They
4001 seem to like the most inaccessible branches of the small trees.
4002 They are well above your head. You can't climb the trees, as
4002 their trunks are much too weak.
5049 Beautiful birds
4001 There are several different species: big red ones, little green
4001 ones, ones with violet backs and white and yellow heads, and
4001 many others. They seems to like the highest branches of the
4001 trees.
4002 The birds are on the trees, not on the walkway where you stand.
5050 Beautiful birds.
4001 The birds are hidden by the top branches of the trees.
4002 They aren't nearby; they are out of reach in the trees.
5051 Bees
4001 Any attempt to get close to the bees results in your getting
4001 painful stings.
5052 Cactus
4001 They are much too big and prickly.
5053 Doll house
4001 It is large and ornate, about 2 meters tall, with four stories.
4001 There are the usual windows and doors through which the ferret
4001 children put their dolls.
4002 It is too big to get out the door.
5054 Waterfall
4001 Sorry, there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. There
4001 isn't even any rainbow, just lots of water.
4002 Have you perhaps been eating cactus hallucinogenic drugs?
5055 Vending machine
4001 There is a vending machine here.
4002 It looks exactly like the machines used on earth to dispense
4002 candy. The contents look like red balls about one centimeter
4002 in diameter. The label says "Ozmtfztv Krooh". It has a slot
4002 labeled &300.
4003 It looks exactly like the machines used on earth to dispense
4003 candy. The contents look like red balls about one centimeter
4003 in diameter. The label says "Language Pills". It has a slot
4003 labeled &300.
4004 It is fastened to the wall.
5056 Slot
4001 Fat chance.
5057 Vending machine
4001 There is a vending machine here.
4002 It looks exactly like the machines used on earth to dispense
4002 newspapers. Inside is a supply of papers. The money slot is
4002 labeled &25.
4003 It is fastened to the wall.
5058 Slot
4001 Fat chance.
5059 Vending machine
4001 There is a vending machine here.
4002 It is a slot machine. That is, it has a slot for any size
4002 coin and three windows through which can be seen images of
4002 various fruits and occasionally a pot of money. It does
4002 seem to be missing the lever necessary to make it a
4002 "One armed bandit".
4003 You think perhaps to take it to a quiet place and blow it
4003 open? Sorry, it won't budge.
5060 Slot
4001 Fat chance
5061 Vending machine
4001 There is a vending machine here.
4002 It appears to be offering maps for sale. A slot in it is
4002 marked &75.
4003 It is attached to the wall.
5062 Slot
4001 Fat chance.
5063 Large machine
4001 Read the room description for information.
4002 It is too heavy
5064 Orange door
4001 The orange door is shut.
4002 The orange door is open.
4003 Silly!
5065 Pink door
4001 The pink door is shut.
4002 Fat chance!
5066 Blue door
4001 The blue door is shut.
4002 The blue door is open.
4003 It's fixed top the ship.
5067 Orange clip
4001 The orange clip is empty.
4002 The orange clip contains:
4003 No way.
5068 Violet clip
4001 The violet clip is empty.
4002 The violet clip holds:
4003 Silly!
5069 Yellow clip
4001 The yellow clip is empty.
4002 The yellow clip contains:
4003 Not in this life!
5070 Blue clip
4001 The blue clip is empty.
4002 The blue clip holds:
4003 You break your fingernail but not the clip.
5071 File cabinet
4001 The file cabinet holds useless papers.
4002 In addition to junk the cabinet holds:
4003 It is glued to the floor.
5072 Green button
4001 Behind the file cabinets is a green button.
4002 Silly!
5073 Large mural
4001 The south wall of the room is completely filled with a large
4001 mural.
4002 The mural has slid partially aside to reveal a secret passage
4002 leading south.
4003 The mural shows a picture of one of the large star clusters
4003 visible out the viewing ports. You notice that the left side
4003 is somewhat scuffed up.
4004 You might as well take the air.
5074 Dummy
4001 ****
5075 ****